ISSN : 1803-7828 (Print), 2533-5634 (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Tereza Žůrková
Vedoucí redaktor : Tereza Žůrková
Vita ceu harmonia. Jiří Carolides, básník a skladatel mezi císařským dvorem a Novým Městem pražským
Marta Vaculínová, Petr Daněk
Jiří Carolides was one of the most distinguished Czech Latin humanist poets, and in his works he combines interest in poetry with love for music. Already during his university studies, he wrote a congratulatory polyphonic composition, and he was also active as a composer when he was older. He came…
Kancionál Ondřeje Kopydlanského ze Sedlčan v novém kontextu
Dagmar Štefancová
The cantional of Ondřej Kopydlanský of Sedlčany (NM-ČMH AZ 34) is one of the polyphonic artefacts of Czech Renaissance music with a complete set of the vocal parts. The study of archival materials, comparisons with similar cantionals, and discoveries made during the source’s restoring in 2007 have…
Písňová husitika a další repertoár v rukopisném zpěvníku „Písně Baborovy“
Viktor Velek
The study deals with a manuscript source, the content of which was heretofore known only to a small extent thanks to J. V. Šmejkal’s book Piseň pisni narodu českeho (Song of Songs of the Czech Nation, 1935). The collection known as “Pisně Baborovy” (Babor’s Songs) was rediscovered by the author in…