ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Teorie jako platforma pro edukaci muzejních pracovníků. Osudy Střediska pro výuku muzeologie v letech 1967–1982
Otakar Kirsch, Lucie Jagošová
Theory as a Platform for the Education of Museum Staff. Development of the Centre for the Study of Museology in the Years 1967–1982
Abstract: The aim of the presented study is to bring together almost fifteen
years of the Centre for the Study of Museology of the Charles University’s
Faculty of…
Sbírka Muzea dělnického hnutí - rozsáhlý soubor předmětů, archiválií a knih
Jolana Tothová
Abstract: The Collection of the Working Class Movement Museum results
from a fusion of three Prague museums – the Klement Gottwald
Museum, the V. I. Lenin Museum and the Julius Fučík Museum, which
were taken over and completed by the Working Class Movement Museum
in 1990. For the reason of…
Paperless Archaeology on Castrum Novum
Klára Paclíková, Michal Preusz
Abstract: Modern technology affects the development of the humanities,
including the most traditional of the disciplines such as classical
archaeology. We are looking for an answer to the question of whether
high-tech could completely replace the basic tools without which we
would not even…
Sociální sítě v činnosti Židovského muzea v Praze
Jiří Tejkal
The Part Played by Social Networks in the Activities
of the Jewish Museum in Prague
Abstract: The paper summarises the basic ways of working with social
networks that are used by the Jewish Museum in Prague. It describes experiences
with such networks as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram…
Zpráva z konference Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities v Manchesteru
Kristýna Radostová
Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities
Conference Report
Abstract: The main theme of the DCDC conference, held in November
2017 in Manchester, was understanding the value of culture and collections
and the difference they make to visitors who participate in cultural
programmes. Many…
Muzea a mezinárodní publikum
Pavla Mikešová
Museums and Their International Audiences
Abstract: The National Museum, the Centre for Presenting Cultural Heritage
in cooperation with the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and
American Cultures, held on the 24th and the 25th October 2017 a specialised
seminar entitled “Museums and Their…
Galerie jako otevřený prostor. Spolupráce edukačního oddělení Galerie hlavního města Prahy se zahraničním publikem
Lucie Haškovcová, Markéta Slachová Goldová, Kateřina Prokopová
Gallery as an Open Space. The Collaboration
of the Educational Department of Prague City Gallery with
a Foreign Audience
Abstract: Prague City Gallery, one of the major Czech cultural institutions,
organises exhibitions, educational events and other accompanying
programmes that are designed not…
Výstava v letohrádku Hvězda o emigraci z porevolučního Ruska a její možné přesahy Jakub Hauser
Jakub Hauser
The Exhibition at the Hvězda Summer Palace About
Emigration From Post-Revolutionary Russia and its Possible
Abstract: The first plan of the presentation within an extremely challenging
seminar entitled “Museums and their international audiences” organised
by the National Museum was…
Stálé expozice sklářských muzeí ve Frauenau a v Düsseldorfu
Alena Štěrbová
The Permanent Exhibitions at the Glass Museums in Both
Frauenau and Düsseldorf
Abstract: The article explores different approaches to displaying glass
artefacts in permanent exhibitions, housed in museums of glass. It analyzes
two collections in the Glasmuseum Fraueau and the…