

ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
V období od 13. 1. 2025 do 20. 1. 2025 bude e-shop z provozních důvodů mimo provoz.

Relevantní muzea

The article explores the relevance of today’s museums for modern people. It seeks the re-evaluation or the confirmation of the role of museums in today’s world and it defines the museum as a public service. This logical re-thinking of the existing perception of museums is applied in practice…

Analýza, popis a archivace souborných informací o vlastnostech předmětů kulturního dědictví a využití těchto informací v restaurátorské, konzervátorské a badatelské praxi

The article is a brief description of the content and the objectives of a joint project that is entitled „The Analysis, Description and Archiving of Comprehensive Information concerning the properties of Cultural Heritage Artifacts and the Usage of such Data during Restoration, Conservation and…

Možnosti průzkumu laténských mečů a volba vhodného konzervačního zásahu

The study deals with the possibility of exploring the La Tène swords and choosing the appropriate method of conservation intervention. The published results are based on an internal grant from the National Museum running between 2015 and 2016, which was closely focused on "The Exploration of…

Imidž Ľubovnianskeho múzea v XXI. storočí

The paper is devoted to the marketing activities of the Ľubovňa Museum, which are expressed via communication with the media of various kinds and forms and are used for building the image of the Museum. It provides information about this Museum’s communication with the public through modern forms…

Skanzeny v zemi Shinkansenů: Pozdrav z muzeí v přírodě v Japonsku

Historical wooden buildings can be seen not only in Japanese open-air museums and in the Japanese countryside, but also in the largest metropolises. On the individual Japanese islands we can find almost ten open-air museums, all of a different character. They include local, regional and national…