ISSN : 1803-7828 (Print), 2533-5634 (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Tereza Žůrková
Vedoucí redaktor : Tereza Žůrková
Antonín Dvořák – operní skladatel
Milan Pospíšil
Antonín Dvořák (1841–1904) has achieved international recognition as a composer of instrumental music but not of Czech national opera. Like Bedřich Smetana, he built up a Czech national opera with a diversity of operatic genres. He dealt with various stimuli including, in particular, German Romantic…
Dvořákův jubilejní rok 1941
Kateřina Nová
The Dvořák jubilee of 1941, i.e. the musical celebrations accompanying the 100th anniversary of the birth of Antonín Dvořák, was absolutely unique in terms of its scope, intensity, and the involvement of amateur musical ensembles. Over 3,500 musical events took place in just a year, with…
Výstavní činnost Společenstva hotovitelů hudebních nástrojů v Praze
Tereza Berdychová
In connection with the new Act on Trades of 1859, the Association of Musical Instrument Makers and Dealers was founded. Its activity focused mainly on support for and development of that trade, but it was also involved in promotional activities including the holding of exhibitions. The Association…
Neznámá korespondence Josefa Bohuslava Foerstera a Františka Bílka
Jana Fojtíková
The composer Josef Bohuslav Foerster (1859–1951) and the versatile visual artist František Bílek (1872–1941) maintained cordial relations for more than forty years. Their mutual correspondence between 1899 and 1941 kept at the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music bears witness to that friendship.…
Další památky z rodiny Josefa Suka
Jana Vojtěšková
Among this year’s additions to the collections of the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music, there is a large set of documents relating to four generations of the Suk family: the schoolmaster Josef Suk (1827–1913), the composer Josef Suk (1874– 1935), the agricultural engineer Josef Suk…
Začněte panny zpívati … a hráti, aneb líbezně rozšafná marginálie k ritornelům Michnovy Loutny české
Tereza Daňková, Petr Daněk
This contribution reports on the discovery of a first violin part at the Franciscan Library in Slaný. The part completes the cycle of sacred songs titled Loutna česká (The Czech Lute) by the Czech composer of the middle Baroque period Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic. In the text, the authors deal…
Příbor, Wendelin Hueber a Bonifazio Gratiani ve světle dosud neznámého rukopisu
Dagmar Štefancová
Research on a folder of manuscript parts from the mid-17th century (NM-ČMH AZ 88) has led to the finding that this previously unknown source, which comes from the town of Příbor in northern Moravia. On the basis of the provenience of inscriptions and impressions of rubberstamps, it is possible to…