ISSN : 1802-6842 (print), 1802-6850 (electronic)
Vedoucí redaktor : RNDr. Jiřina Dašková, Ph.D. (Národní muzeum; Geol. ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.)
Vedoucí redaktor : RNDr. Jiřina Dašková, Ph.D. (Národní muzeum; Geol. ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.)
Dr. Rudolf Jan Prokop – 70th birthday (Rudolf before his employment at the National Museum, Praha)
V. <p></p><p><strong>REPORTS</strong></p>Petr
Notes on the herpetofauna of Nacebe (Provincia Abuna, Departamento Pando, Bolivia)
J. Aparicio, J. Moravec
Liebigite recently formed from the dump of mine No. 16 (Příbram, Háje), Bohemia, Czech Republic
B. Bureš, J. Čejka, J. Sejkora
Collection of the sharks of the National Museum in Prague - Part 2. Skeletal preservations
R. Šanda, A. De Maddalena
Removal of ferric sediments from the museum alcoholic reptile specimens using Chelaton 3
V. Šímová, B. Švecová, J. Vykouková
The spreading of the Brown Lipped Snail, Cepaea nemoralis, in the Czech Republic
A. Honěk, L. Dvořák
The use of recently re-discovered glass plate photodocumentation of those human fossil finds from Předmostí u Přerova destroyed during World War II.
S. Katina, A. Šefčáková, P. Velemínský, J. Brůžek, J. Velemínská
A geometric approach to cranial sexual dimorphism in fossil skulls from předmostí (Upper Paleolithic, Czech Republic)
P. Velemínský, J. Brůžek, J. Velemínská, A. Šefčáková, S. Katina
The incidence of Harris lines in the non-adult Great Moravian population of Mikulčice (Czech Republic) with reference to social position
J. Likovský, M. Dobisíková, P. Velemínský, P. Zítková