
ISSN : 1214-0627
Vedoucí redaktor : Woitschová Klára

Průzkumy skleněných negativů v Langhans Archivu Praha

Since its discovery in 1998, this preserved collection of glass negative plates from the production of renowned portrait studio, Langhans, has been subject to many surveys, some of which are still ongoing and are rediscovering lost facts about the studio and the important figures who had their…

Průzkum fyzického stavu sbírek nejvzácnějších iluminovaných rukopisů

Investigation, which is done on such important manuscript as Codex Vyssegradensis, has influence on many decisions concerning conservation and preservation of rare illuminated manuscripts. The Codex, which was created and illuminated for coronation of first Bohemian King Vratislav II. in the…

Průzkum fyzického stavu fotografických fondů v Národním archivu

A survey of the physical condition of archival documents in the National Archive from 2007 to date, with submitted text focused on the course of the survey until 2013 and its methodology. In the survey, visual, microscopic and analytical assessment techniques are used. From the analytical…

Informace o projektu Národní knihovny a Google

In 2010, the National Library began co-operation with Google, in order to be able to gradually digitise and publish on the internet approx. 200 000 document collections, with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the European Union. For the NL, preparation for…

Archeolog Josef Ladislav Píč jako muzejník v Národním muzeu

After a long period of stagnation, the importance of archaeology at the National Museum in Prague was raised by J. L. Píč, the first head of the newly independent Department of Prehistory (1893–1911). Professor Píč with his collaborators carried out many field researches and founded a modern…