

ISSN : 1214-0627
Vedoucí redaktor : Woitschová Klára
V období od 13. 1. 2025 do 20. 1. 2025 bude e-shop z provozních důvodů mimo provoz.

Arabsko-český slovník beduínských výrazů v pozůstalosti Aloise Musila

In 2011 Vyškov Regional Museum acquired an Arab-Czech dictionary of Bedouin terms from the great-nephew of the orientalist and traveler Alois Musil (1868–1944). Until then it was stored in Musil’s Villa Músa in his native Rychtářov. It consists of 5415 cards containing Arabic words and phrases,…

Pomnichovské hranice v dobových ohlasech

The presented study looks at how Czechoslovakian (or Czech) society responded to the Munich Agreement and the creation of new borders around the curtailed state. The loss of the borderland was perceived by society at the time as a loss of a natural border which had been recognised for centuries.…

Miroslav Tyrš – estetik, historik umění a „památkář“

Although Tyrš was not deeply involved in the theory or practice of conservation, he did delve into a number of fields which relate to conservation. The paper points to Tyrš’s theory of convergence, inspired by Hippolyte Taine, who lies behind Tyrš’s solution to issues on the completion of…

Ornitologické dopisy Emmanuela Lokaye Antonínu Fričovi z roku 1850

In 1850, Emmanuel Lokay (1822–1890), Czech zoologist, wrote several letters to Antonín Frič (1832–1913), another Czech zoologist. In them he described his working conditions as a member of border finance patrol and listed ornithological records from the vicinity of Rumburk and Varnsdorf in…