ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Kateřina Spurná
Vedoucí redaktor : Kateřina Spurná
Mezi Prahou a Paříží. Neznámé a málo známé „hrdinky“ česko-francouzského kulturního světa první poloviny 20. století
Jaroslava Kašparová
The article describes the lives of several Czech-French female ‘heroines’, writers and scientists active in the first half of the 20th century who we encountered in connection with research into book provenances in Czech and French institutions and whose fates are little known, or even unknown, to…
Knihovny ženských klášterů v pohusitském období
Renáta Modráková
The libraries of Bohemian female monasteries were distinctive units with thematically diverse codices in both manuscript and printed form. This article focuses on their composition and possible transformation in the Post-Hussite period with an overlap to the 16th century. Five important nunneries of…
Pátečníci v kresbě
Jan Bílek
The article deals with depictions of a looser private group associated with the writer Karel Čapek (1895–1938). The company as a group was captured in three drawings by the artist and writer Adolf Hoffmeister (1902–1973), which he dated to 1927. The public is most familiar with the drawing called…
Sbírky Knihovny Národního muzea na výstavě Hudební zvěřinec
Veronika Karfusová, Olga Vít Krumpholzová, Mariana Lebedová
Tlumok sběratele. Zápisníky Boženy Němcové
Yvetta Dörflová
Less-known sources on the life and work of Božena Němcová include her notebooks. She probably had a large number of them, but only four have been preserved, of which one has been published in its entirety. The remaining ones have been issued in fragments. Němcová used three notebooks during her…
Ilustrace k dílu Boženy Němcové ze sbírek oddělení knižní kultury Knihovny Národního muzea
Pavel Muchka, Veronika Karfusová