

ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Kateřina Spurná

Jezuitské fondy Národní knihovny ČR ve světle provenienčního průzkumu

The paper provides an overview of the provenances of the Jesuit books placed in the historical collection of the National Library of the Czech Republic. As expected, early printed books from former Jesuit libraries form one of the largest provenance groups in the NL collections. So far, 6,398 titles…

Provenienční průzkum zámecké knihovny Jílové

The paper examines provenances in the Jílové Castle Library, which is a fragment of the Thun-Hohenstein family library (Děčín branch). Apart from the Thun ownership marks, the library contains remnants of significant book acquisitions of the 19th and 20th centuries. The research has also proved that…

Praha třicátých let 20. století očima šestnáctileté Francouzky

An interesting item of Bohemian provenance has been preserved in the archives of the Institut dʼétudes slaves (IES) in Paris, namely in the André Mazon collection, which comprises, among other things, the correspondence of the Mazon family. It is a set of 12 letters sent by a young student,…

Knihovny na zámku Konopiště

The first library at Konopiště Castle was built by František Karel Přehořovský of Kvasejovice at the turn of the 18th century, but it was later scattered and its traces can be found in various places. After the sale of the castle in 1887, the second library, established by the counts of Wrtba, was…