ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Kateřina Spurná, Ph.D.
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Kateřina Spurná, Ph.D.
Rukopisný Litevský slovník v kontextu české baltistiky první poloviny 19. století: koncepční záměr slovníku a otázka autorství
Anna Tollarová
This study focuses on the manuscript Litevský slovník [Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language] (shelf mark IV A 11), kept at the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books of the National Museum Library. This handwritten lexicographic relic is dated to the first half of the 19th century…
Fragmenty českého překladu básně Facetus
Michal Dragoun, Kateřina Voleková
The article deals with two incomplete handwritten copies of the poem Facetus with a Czech translation. The poem Facetus, or more specifically its version referred to as ‘Cum nihil utilius’ based on its incipit, probably originated in the 12th century; in the high Middle Ages, it was the second…
K současné terminologii restaurování knižní vazby
Jan Novotný
The article deals with the current terminology of conservation and historical book binding. The introduction mentions the different paradigms of a scientific examination of a book artefact and lists the fundamental differences between restoration and conservation approaches. The issue of…
Česká vojenská příručka z roku 1618
Klára Andresová
In the early modern period, only a few military handbooks were printed in the Czech language in the Kingdom of Bohemia. The first of them was a translation of Kriegs Discurs written by Lazarus von Schwendi, which was published by Daniel Carolides in Prague in 1618 as Discurs o běhu válečném [A…
Výzdoba Písní chval božských z Knihovny Národního muzea
Ema Součková
The handwritten monumental hymn-book discussed was most likely made in the 1560s in the workshop of Jan Táborský of Klokotská Hora, and the decoration was painted by Matěj Hutský of Křivoklát, who was a very sought-after artist in his time. The decoration of the codex follows the usual period…
Hmotný průzkum Rukopisů královédvorského a zelenohorského: dokumentace současného stavu
Karel Křenek, Jana Tvrzníková