ISSN : 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová
Zbierka inklúzie – novovznikajúca zbierka Slovenského národného múzea – Historického múzea v Bratislave
Miroslava Schiller Maurery
The paper introduces the new collection of the Slovak National Museum’s Museum of History in Bratislava, detailing the circumstances that led to its establishment, the issue of naming the collection with its intended broad scope of interest, and concepts and ideas that are key to determining the…
Sbírkotvorná činnost Muzea Klementa Gottwalda – aktuální poznatky kurátorky
Jolana Tothová
Examining the three-dimensional collections of the Klement Gottwald Museum in Prague (KGM), with an overlap into the context of its archival, library and audiovisual collections, allows for a demonstration of the basic aspects involved in the process of building a specialised museum collection. In…
Fotografický Beroun Jiřího Jeníčka z roku 1943. Paradox daru fotografického alba Berouna Jiřího Jeníčka Klementu Gottwaldovi v roce 1945
Pavlína Vogelová
The photo album of the region surrounding the town of Beroun featuring images by Jiří Jeníček, dating back to 1973, reflects the atmosphere and circumstances of the Czech photography scene under the influence of World War II. During the interwar and post-war period, the amateur photographer,…