

ISSN : 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová

Průvodce analýzami zubního kamene v archeologii

Dental calculus preserves information about past populations. This text aims to present the basic approaches to the rapidly developing research on this unique material and to provide recommendations for the analysis of dental calculus in archaeology, with a focus on obtaining the maximum amount of…

Netradičný hrob s dvojicou ľudských skeletov z obdobia doby bronzovej – kazuistika

This case study deals with the anthropological analysis of two individuals found in a common grave in the locality of Košice – Krásna, eastern Slovakia, particularly because of the unconventional burial, which is unusual for the Bronze Age burial rite. The results of the analyses indicate that the…

Znovuobjevená skla ze sbírek Národního muzea v Praze: Diatretum a další

During the study of the collection of medieval glass in the depositary of the National Museum in Terezín, Hedvika Sedláčková noticed two cards to which glass fragments were attached with thin metal wire. They were lying on top of the box full of uncatalogued fragments marked to be thrown away. After…