

ISSN : 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová

Náprstkovo muzeum a světová výstava v Chicagu

In 1893, the World’s Fair was held in Chicago, during which a special building dedicated to women’s work was erected. Through the Czech expatriate community, the Náprstek Museum participated in the exhibition and sent a collection of embroidery called The Work of Our Mothers. Alongside Josefa…

Politická mobilizace jako příležitost? Sběr materiálu z protivládních protestů a kampaní před parlamentními a prezidentskými volbami v letech 2021–2023 v České republice

The submitted article aims to address the issue of material memory collection in political campaigns and political protests. Within the concentrated work on the data collection, 2021 parliamentary elections, 2023 presidential elections, and protest events in 2022-2023 are mapped. The primary goal is…