The magazine has been issued since 1959 and publishes author contributions or monographs from all fields of Mammalogy (Mammaliology, Therilogy). It is issued annually. Accepted submissions are published in the Czech or English language, always with an English abstract.
The journal Lynx, n. s. publishes original papers, short notes, review articles, bibliographies, book reviews, and other communications on mammalian zoology that have not been published elsewhere, written in Czech, Slovak, Polish, and/or English languages. Manuscripts are accepted in DOC or RTF format on a common data medium (CD) or via e-mail (as an attachment sent to the editor’s address).
Text requirements:
Left-hand alignment, single standard font (e.g. Times New Roman), font size 10 or 12, without hyphenation or any embedded images. References to other authors within the text should be written in small capitals (not full capitals), e.g.: Vachold (1959), Pearch et al. (2001), Gaisler & Hanák (1972a, b). No italics except for taxon names of genus- and species-groups.
The manuscript should contain: (1) title of paper (it should include a reference to the order and family of the taxon concerned, e.g. Artiodactyla: Bovidae), (2) names and address(es) of authors, (3) English abstract (less than one page, i.e. max. ca. 1300 letters), (4) key words in English (max. 15 words). The main text (6) should be followed by (7) Czech, Slovak or Polish summary if the paper is written in English, (8) list of references, and, if any: (9) endnotes or appendices, (10) tables with captions, (11) figure captions References to figures and tables should be mentioned as follows: Fig. 1; Figs. 1–2; Table 1, Tables 1–3. The list of references must include all publications cited in the text, listed chronologically and alphabetically (see examples below). The papers published in non-congress languages should be referred in the original language of the paper, but with an English translation in brackets (see example D below) and the language identification given in parentheses [e.g. (in Czech with a summary in English) etc.]. For citations of papers published in non-Latin scripts, the author should transfer the title into the Latin alphabet using one of the commonly used transliteration mode (see example D below). The author(s) must also specifically cite publications issued in electronic journals or periodicals, not just the website (see example E below). Full journal titles are preferred.
- (A) Pearch M. J., Bates P. J. J. & Magin C., 2001: A review of the small mammal fauna of Djibouti and the results of a recent survey. Mammalia, 65: 387–409.
- (B) Harrison D. L. & Bates P. J. J., 1991: The Mammals of Arabia. Second Edition. Harrison Zoological Museum, Sevenoaks, 354 pp.
- (C) Horáček I. & Hanák V., 1989: Distributional status of Myotis dasycneme. Pp.: 565–590. In: Hanák V., Horáček I. & Gaisler J. (eds.): European Bat Research 1987. Charles University Press, Praha, 718 pp.
- (D) Rossolimo O. L. & Pavlinov I. Ja., 1979: Katalog tipovyh ekzemplârov mlekopitajuŝih, hranâŝihsâ v Zoologičeskom muzee MGU [Catalogue of type specimens of mammals in the collection of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University]. Sbornik Trudov Zoologičeskogo Muzeâ Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 18: 5–43 (in Russian).
- (E) Nylander M. A. A., 2002: MrModeltest. Version 2.2. Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University. URL:
All symbols in figures should be suitable for final size reduction, and the submitted figures must not be smaller, but approximately double size than the final print size. Line drawings are accepted in computer-drawn (600, or better 1200 dpi) or hand-drafted form. The latter must be drawn in black ink on high-quality white card. Diagrams are accepted as XLS (source data containing), TIFF or EPS, tables as separate DOC or XLS files (e.g. “tab1.doc”, “tab2.xls”...). Photos in electronic format are preferred. These must meet the following requirements: greyscale or colour, minimal resolution of 300 dpi (600 dpi or more is preferred), of larger than the print size, mean contrast. The scale and position of all photos must be clearly stated. Scale is given by a scale bar explained in the caption.
Manuscripts conforming to these requirements will be sent to at least one reviewer. Acceptance of the manuscripts will be decided upon by an editorial board. The author(s) will receive 30 reprints and a PDF file of the paper, all authors receive one copy of the journal. Manuscripts of the published papers, CD and originals of illustrations are not returned unless requested.
Manuscripts should be sent to the editor, Dr. Petr Benda, Department of Zoology, National Museum, Václavské nám. 68, 115 79 Praha 1, tel.: (+420) 224 497 263; e-mail: