

ISSN : 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online)
Editor in Chief : Petr Benda
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Príspevok k poznatkom o výskyte myšky drobnej (Micromys minutus) a plcha lieskového (Muscardinus avellanarius) na východnom Slovensku na základe letných hniezd za roky 2010–2012 (Rodentia) [Contribution to the knowledge of Micromys minututus and Muscardinus avellanarius distribution in eastern Slovakia based on the survey of summer nests in 2010–2012 (Rodentia)]

The author describes the occurrence of the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) and hazel dormouse (Muscardinnus avellanarius) in eastern Slovakia based on the survey of summer nests in field and woodland margins. In the years 2010–2012, a total of 230 (M. minutus) and 148 (M. avellanarius) nests were…

Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic rodents (Rodentia). Sciuridae: Xerinae 1 (Eutamias and Spermophilus) [Taxonomická revise palearktických hlodavců (Rodentia). Sciuridae: Xerinae 1 (Eutamias and Spermophilus)]

We reviewed the Palaearctic Xerinae (Rodentia: Sciuridae) from the genera Eutamias and Spermophilus. On the basis of published data and our own examination of >2500 museum vouchers we recognize 12 species and 19 subspecies: Eutamias sibiricus (with three subspecies: senescens and barberi in addition…

Výskyt zajímavějších druhů savců ve východních Čechách, 2005–2012 (Mammalia) [Occurrence of noteworthy mammal species in eastern Bohemia, 2005–2012, Czech Republic (Mammalia)]

The paper summarises results of a survey of mammals in eastern Bohemia (approximately the region covering the districts of Náchod, Rychnov n K., Hradec Králové, Ústí n. O., Pardubice, Chrudim, Svitavy and partly also Jičín, Trutnov, Havlíčkův Brod and Žďár n. S.). Data from the years 2005–2012…

Current distribution of Procyon lotor in north-western Bohemia, Czech Republic (Carnivora: Procyonidae) [K současnému výskytu mývala severního (Procyon lotor) v severozápadních Čechách (Carnivora: Procyonidae)]

Summary of records of the northern raccoon in north-western Bohemia (Karlovy Vary region and adjacent part of the Ústí nad Labem region) obtained since the year 2000 is presented. According to the collected published and unpublished records and data from hunting reports, raccoon occurrence was…

Recentní rozšíření bobra evropského (Castor fiber) v České republice v letech 2002–2012 (Rodentia: Castoridae) [Recent expansion of Castor fiber in the Czech Republic during 2002–2012 (Rodentia: Castoridae)]

The Eurasian beaver has recently recolonized Central Europe including the Czech Republic. We evaluated the beaver’s distribution during 2002–2012 and summarized all known data (obtained by our own monitoring, cited in publications and databases, or sent in by numerous volunteers). We compiled a…

První nález netopýra brvitého (Myotis emarginatus) v nejzápadnějších Čechách (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) [First record of Myotis emarginatus in westernmost Bohemia, Czech Republic (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)]

A Geoffroy‘s Bat (Myotis emarginatus) was found in the old mine named “Hrom” at Výškovice in the Slavkovský les (Slavkov Forest) Protected Landscape Area, Czech Republic on 29 January 2012. This is the first record of the Geoffroy”s Bat in the northern half of western Bohemia. The nearest records of…

Centenary of Helmut Schaefer (1912–1976): a contribution to the history of research of fauna of the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) [Príspevok k histórii poznania fauny Tatier: sto rokov od narodenia Helmuta Schaefera (1912–1976)]

In the early 1930s, Helmut Schaefer started examining owl pellets from the Tatra Mts. region, pioneering this type of research in Slovakia. Moreover, he collected an extensive osteological material consisting mainly of small mammals and birds coming from different time periods and located in the…