
ISSN : 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online)
Editor in Chief : Petr Benda
Editor in Chief : Petr Benda
They don’t live forever: How life history data and encounter probability help to assess success of Muscardinus avellanarius translocations (Rodentia: Gliridae) [Nežijí věčně: Jak biologické údaje a pravděpodobnost nálezu pomohou úspěchu vysazování plšíka lískového (Muscardinus avellanarius) (Rodentia: Gliridae)]
Sarah Beer, Sven Büchner, Johannes Lang
The hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) is a European Protected Species and for this reason, hazel dormice are protected from deliberate killing, injury or disturbance and its sites and resting places are also protected. During development projects impacts on hazel dormouse individuals and…
Conflicts with Glis glis and Eliomys quercinus in households: a practical guideline for sufferers (Rodentia: Gliridae) [Konflikty s plchem velkým (Glis glis) a plchem zahradním (Eliomys quercinus) v domácnostech: praktický průvodce pro postižené (Rodentia: Gliridae)]
Sven Büchner, Roger Trout, Peter Adamík
Across Europe, the edible dormouse (Glis glis) and the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) are listed as protected species. In areas where households are close to habitats where these dormice are present, they easily penetrate into the houses. While dormice are admired by the public as cute animals,…
What to eat if there are no fruits in the forest? The food of Muscardinus avellanarius in non-typical habitats (Rodentia: Gliridae) [Čím se živit nejsou-li v lese žádné plody? Potrava plšíka lískového (Muscardinus avellanarius) v netypickém biotopu (Rodentia: Gliridae)]
Irmhild Wolz, Nicole Bräsel, Sven Büchner
Faeces of the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) were collected from two forests dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies) and three by European beech (Fagus sylvatica) for comparison with faeces from a species-rich broad-leafed forest. Samples were analysed under the microscope. At the…
How big is best? Various nest box sizes and their acceptance by Muscardinus avellanarius (Rodentia: Gliridae) [Jak velká je ta nejlepší? Různé hnízdní budky a jejich přijetí plšíkem lískovým (Muscardinus avellanarius) (Rodentia: Gliridae)]
Carina Heberer, Bettina Koppmann-Rumpf, Karl-Heinz Schmidt
The hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) can be found in nest boxes intended for birds and dormice throughout its distributional range. To minimize competition with other potential nest box inhabitants such as the edible dormouse (Glis glis) and hole-nesting passerines like the blue tit…
What Muscardinus avellanarius like but consultants don’t: performance of nest boxes vs. nest tubes for translocations (Rodentia: Gliridae) [Co oblibují plšíci lískoví (Muscardinus avellanarius) avšak konsultanti nikoli: úspěšnost užití hnízdních budek a hnízdních rourek pro přemisťovací projekty (Rodentia: Gliridae)]
Johann D. Lanz, Nicolle Bräsel, Sarah Beer, Ines Leonhardt, Johannes Lang, Daniel Schmittfull
Nest boxes and nest tubes are widely used for surveys, for both research and development purposes, to detect and survey hazel dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius). In order to compare the performance of the two devices for translocations a study was conducted where hazel dormice had the choice between…
Prevalence and seasonal variation in ticks on Muscardinus avellanarius from Germany (Rodentia: Gliridae) [Prevalence a sezonní proměnlivost klíšťat na plšíku lískovém (Muscardinus avellanarius) v Německu (Rodentia: Gliridae)]
Johannes Lang, Sarah Beer, Nicolle Bräsel, Ines Leonhardt, Sven Büchner
We sampled ticks infesting hazel dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) between May 2017 and September 2017 at seven locations in Germany. Of a total of 221 dormice examined, 19% were infested by ticks, but the prevalence of infestation varied strongly between sites and months. The highest prevalence at…
Populations of Muscardinus avellanarius in north-western Europe can survive in forest poor landscapes, when there are enough hedges (Rodentia: Gliridae) [Populace plšíka lískového (Muscardinus avellanarius) v severozápadní Evropě mohou přežívat v krajině chudé lesy, mají-li dostatek křovin (Rodentia: Gliridae)]
Björn Schulz, Sven Büchner
The hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) is a strictly arboreal species. In its European lowland range, the forest coverage was heavily reduced during historical times, e.g. down to ca. 4% in the northern German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein in the 18th century. This low forest cover…
Behavioural repertoire of Glis glis (Rodentia: Gliridae) [Behaviorální repertoir plcha velkého (Glis glis) (Rodentia: Gliridae)]
Viktoria A. Vekhnik
The behavioural repertoire of the edible dormouse (Glis glis) was investigated in the laboratory using night vision cameras. Analysis was carried out for 106 h 44 min of video records of behaviour. The main forms of behaviour during the active period were comfort, exploratory, feeding, scent…
Carnivores of the Tabuk Province, Saudi Arabia (Carnivora: Canidae, Felidae, Hyaenidae, Mustelidae) [Šelmy provincie Tabuk, Saudská Arabie (Carnivora: Canidae, Felidae, Hyaenidae, Mustelidae)]
Abdoulhadi A. Aloufi, Zuhair S. Amr
Between 2010 and 2017, records of carnivores in the Tabuk Province were gathered using camera traps, live traps and direct observations. Altogether seven species of carnivores representing four families were recorded: two felines, Felis margarita and Panthera pardus nimr, a hyaenid, Hyaena hyaena, a…
Distribution of bats in Northern Cyprus (Chiroptera) [Rozšíření netopýrů na Severním Kypru (Chiroptera)]
Petr Benda, Lauren Satterfield, Salih Gücel, Ivan Horáček, Radek Lučan, Iris Charalambidou, Marcel Uhrin
A complete list of bat records available from Northern Cyprus is presented, based on both limited literature and new records, resulting from a recent field survey conducted mainly in 2018. This review is complemented by distribution maps and summaries of the distributional status of particular…
Erasing day/night differences in light intensity and spectrum affect biodiversity and the health of mammals by confusing the circadian clock [Smazávání rozdílů mezi denní a noční intenzitou světla a jeho spektrem ovlivňuje biologickou diversitu a zdravotní kondici savců dysregulací cirkadiánních hodin]
Zdeňka Bendová, Simona Moravcová
The beneficial effect of sunlight on all forms of life has been well-known to human cultures worldwide throughout history. However, the importance of darkness for survival, successful reproduction and the overall fitness of all organisms is fully appreciated only by physiologists and environmental…
Past distribution of Monachus monachus in Bulgaria – subfossil and historical records (Carnivora: Phocidae) [Минало разпространение на средиземноморския тюлен монах (Monachus monachus) в България – субфосилни и исторически сведения (Carnivora: Phocidae)]
Zlatozar Boev
The paper summarizes numerous scattered data on the former distribution of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) along the western Black Sea coast and the lower Danube bank in Bulgaria. Data on 25 sites of historical (last two centuries), two sites of subfossil, and one site of fossil…
Common names for Cricetus cricetus (Rodentia: Cricetidae) [Народные названия обыкновенного хомяка, Cricetus cricetus (Rodentia: Cricetidae)]
Boris Kryštufek, Alexandr A. Pozdnyakov
We list over a hundred vernacular names for Cricetus cricetus,which are in use in English and in languages spoken within the distribution range of the species. These names belong to 36 languages (including three historical languages: Old Slavonic, Old Czech, Old High German) from nine linguistic…
Netopýři středověkého dolu Jeroným (západní Čechy): výsledky dlouhodobého sledování během zimování a swarmingu (Chiroptera) [Bats of the medieval Jeroným mine (western Bohemia, Czech Republic): results of a long-term monitoring in the hibernation and swarming periods (Chiroptera)]
Přemysl Tájek, Pavla Tájková, Luděk Bufka, Libor Dvořák
The medieval mine of Jeroným (Jerome) is one of the most important bat localities known in western Bohemia. Ten bat species have been detected there, including Myotis emarginatus which is very rare in the western part of the Czech Republic. Numbers of wintering bats have been monitored since 1995…
Hrošík zakrslý (Choeropsis liberiensis) v zoologických zahradách ČR a jeho kostermí materiál v Národním muzeu v Praze (Cetartiodactyla: Hippopotamidae) [Choeropsis liberiensis in the zoological gardens of the Czech Republic and its osteological material in the National Museum Prague (Cetartiodactyla: Hippopotamidae)]
Jiří Volf
The presented data are based on the evidence of the pygmy hippopotamus breeding in six zoological gardens of the Czech Republic in 1934–2017. The Prague and Ústí nad Labem Zoos finished its keeping at the beginning of the 21th century due to technical reasons; Dvůr Králové, Jihlava, Olomouc and…
Bat activity and bat migration at the elevation above 3,000 m at Hoher Sonnblick massif in the Central Alps, Austria (Chiroptera) [Aktivita a tah netopýrů v nadmořské výšce nad 3000 m v massivu Hoher Sonnblick ve středních Alpách v Rakousku (Chiroptera)]
Karin Widerin, Guido Reiter
Recent studies on the presence and activity of bats at high elevations show, surprisingly, that large numbers of bats cross the Alps up to 2,500 m a. s. l. This study takes the next step: to investigate bat activity at an elevation above 3,000 m a. s. l. The main study site was located on the top of…
The highest documented occurrence of Crocidura leucodon in the Western Carpathians (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae) [Najvyšší potvrdený výskyt bielozubky bielobruchej (Crocidura leucodon) v Západných Karpatoch (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae)]
Andrea Lešová, Peter Lešo, Rudolf Kropil
A dead individual of C. leucodon was found in the Lower Tatra Mts. (Central Slovakia, Western Carpathians). The site is situated in the westernmost part of the main ridge of this mountain range at the altitude of 1,150 m a. s. l. The prevaling habitat is a mountain meadow surrounded by spruce and…
Nové nálezy myšivky horské (Sicista betulina) v jižních Čechách a perspektivy zjišťování jejího výskytu (Rodentia: Dipodidae) [New records of Sicista betulina in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) and perspectives of monitoring of its occurrence (Rodentia: Dipodidae)]
Václav Mikeš
The northern birch mouse (Sicista betulina) ranks among the rarest mammals of southern Bohemia. Each record of the species is therefore of value, especially when an exact date, locality, and habitat are available. Nine records of the northern birch mouse made in southern Bohemia in 1976–2018 are…
Další nálezy bělozubky bělobřiché (Crocidura leucodon) v jižních Čechách (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae) [Further records of Crocidura leucodon in southern Bohemia, Czech Republic (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae)]
Petr Zbytovský
New records of the bicoloured white-toothed shrew (Crocidura leucodon) from 15 mapping squares were obtained during the faunistic research of small terrestrial mammals in southern Bohemia (districts of Tábor, Strakonice, Písek, České Budějovice, Prachatice, and Příbram as well) in the period…
Bibliography of Colin Peter Groves (1942–2017), an anthropologist and mammalian taxonomist [Bibliografie Colina Petera Grovese (1942–2017), anthropologa a savčího taxonoma]
Kees Rookmaaker, Jan Robovský
Colin Groves was one of the world’s leading anthropologists, primatologists and mammalian taxonomists. This bibliography with 775 entries contains all his publications, including books, chapters in books, scientific and popular articles, book reviews, obituaries and letters or articles in…
Bibliography on Canis aureus in Slovakia (Carnivora: Canidae) [Bibliografia šakala zlatého (Canis aureus) na Slovensku (Carnivora: Canidae)]
Peter Urban, Dušan Rajský
The bibliography provides a list of publications on the golden jackal in Slovakia coming from the period 1955–2018. In total 111 citations are listed – 15 (13.5%) scientific articles in indexed journals, 19 (17.1%) other scientific articles in non-indexed journals, 3 (2.7%) scientific and popular…