ISSN : 0036-5351
Editor in Chief : PhDr. Helga Turková
Editor in Chief : PhDr. Helga Turková
Mass Media and National Identity
Jan Jirák
Mass media and mass communication played a key role in the process of transformation of respected societies towards modern, industrial nations. One of the fundamental dimensions of this process was how were the members of modernizing societies developing an identity - an internalized…
Orbis Publishing Company in the Context of Inter-War Policy of Czechoslovakia in the Years 1921-1931.
Barbara Kopplová, Jitka Kryšpínová
Orbis, the Printing, Publishing and Newspaper-Writing Company, Limited, was established at the end of March 1921 to provide information about the newly founded Czechoslovak state abroad. Orbis published a variety of newspapers and magazines, such as The Prager Presse (a German written…
Czechoslovak Press Agency as Part of the Constitution of State Sovereignity
Ludmila Trunečková
The article Czechoslovak Press Agency as Part of the Constitution of State Sovereignity describes the historical relationship between the state/govenment and the state news agency Československá tisková kancelář/Czechoslovak News Agency (CTK, founded 1918).
This tradition originated…
Share of Illustrated Magazines on the Development of Visual Culture in the First Half of the 20th Century
Alena Lábová, Filip Láb
Aim of this paper is to describe development tendencies of Czech photojournalism in interwar period in the twentieth century. It analyzes and interprets visual materials and period photographic discourse and traces the ways it influenced content as well as visual aspects of illustrated…
Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ukraine in Czech Feature Film in the 30's and 40's
Petr Bednařík
Czech film-makers paid in the 30's little attention to Slovakia. Sometimes, just used Slovakia as an attractive location. Slovak actors played only in a few movies (1935 Milan Rastislav Štefánik, 1936 Jánošík, 1937 Matčina zpověď, 1938 Neporažená armáda). An interesting…
Restoring International Activities of the Union of Czech Journalists (UCJ) after World War II. Congress of the International Organization of Journalist (UJC) in Prague
Jan Cebe
The paper deals with the Union of Czech Journalists (UCJ) and its international activities after World War II. Specifically, it focuses on its activities in the new International organization of Journalists (IOJ) and second IOJ Congress in Prague in June 1947, where the Union of Czech…
The Beginning of Normalization Being the Period of Journalist´s Identity Fluctuation-Adaptation, Samizdat and Exile?
Petr Orság, Jakub Končelík
The occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 initiated the period of so-called "nonnalization". This brought with it a new media policy which was at first unsuccessful despite the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia attempts to seize control through renewal of the censorship board as well…
\".cz\" or Manifestations and Changes of Czech Identity in the Milieu of Internet
Otakar Šoltys
The phenomenon of the Czech identity, having been built and mastered by semiosis during centuries, undergoes several structural changes in the global milieu of Internet. The article deals with a description of structural re-semiosis classified as re-pragmatization, re-semantization, and…
Czech Identity in Contemporary Far-right Media.
Jan Křeček
The article deals with the concept of Czech identity in contemporary far-right media. At the start, two main political streams are identified (neo-fascist and neo-nazi) and chosen their core media (portals cz, altermedia.info and odpor.org) for analysis. The bulk of the article is…
The Role of the Press in Forming Czech Sporting Community
David Lukšů
Probably no other kind of journalism is so deeply connected with its concern like sports journalism and sports. Czech sporting press, like in many other European countries, rose directly from sports movement. On the other hand it was the sporting press, which bad a significant impact on…
Construction of Czech National Identity in Czech Print Media: Mladá fronta (Mladá fronta DNES) and Rudé právo in the Years 1989 and 1992.
Lenka Šenkýřová
This article deals with the constructing of Czech national identity in the content of Czech print media. It is an abstract of a bachelor thesis entitled "Construction of Czech national identity in Czech print media: a qualitative analysis of Mladá fronta/Mladá fronta DNES and…
On Some Non-anglophone Traditions and Sources of Contemporary Media Studies
Jiří Kraus
During the second half of the twentieth centuryy the studies of media communication became the province of a distinct academic discipline. Communication research, originally a field of many old and new disciplines (rhetoric, language studies, stylistics, semiotics, sociology, anthropology,…
Concept of \"Popular citizenship\" as a Theoretical Framework for Studies of Popular Culture in Socialist and Post-socialist Society
Irena Reifová
This theoretical essay explores the possibilities of applying the concept of ,,popular citizenship" to the study of enclaves of agency in the authoritarian socialist system in Czechoslovakia in its ,,normalization" period. It draws on the assumption that some part of the agency…
Media Image of Privacy in Political Communication in Czech Republic
Denisa Kasl Kollmannová
The article is mapping the media representations of privacy in political communication in the Czech Republic (2006-10). The text is based on the dissertation thesis Public Privacy: Interaction of political marketing and media communication on the example of private life of Czech…
Reflection of Media History in Contemporary Media Historiography
Jana Bachová
The text is focused on analyzing contemporary trends in media historiography. Using the latest production of relevant academic journals, the article covers the basic thematic and methodological issues of media history. Media history is a young, interdisciplinary field, its roots can be…
Contemporary Approaches to the Study and Definition of Propaganda
Ondřej Zamazal
The paper deals with the term propaganda and its interpretations in contemporary media studies. The aim of the work was to systematize and review academic and research texts which were published in journals concerning media and communication since 2001 to 2009. The author found out…