Analýza vztahu mezi účastí na volnočasových aktivitách v muzeu a postoji dětských návštěvníků k muzeím. Zkušenosti z prostředí Klubu mladých archeologů

Stránky 46–59
DOI 10.37520/mmvp.2024.016
Klíčová slova attitudes, museums, archaeology, children, afterschool activity, questionnaire survey
Citace STEJSKALOVÁ, Johana a KOVALOVSKÁ, Soňa. Analýza vztahu mezi účastí na volnočasových aktivitách v muzeu a postoji dětských návštěvníků k muzeím. Zkušenosti z prostředí Klubu mladých archeologů. Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2024, 62(2), 46–59. DOI: ISSN 1803-0386. Dostupné také z:
Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce | 2024/62/2

Can participation in a long-term after-school activity have any effect on participants’ attitudes towards museums? The Young Archaeologists Club, which is organised by the National Museum in Czech Republic, is an opportunity for children aged 10 to 14 with an interest in history to gain a deeper knowledge of archaeology and ancient culture. In 2023, a questionnaire survey was carried out among the participants of this club, which aimed to investigate the aforementioned effect on attitudes towards museums. Questionnaires distributed at the beginning and end of the course of the club were used to monitor changes in these children’s attitudes towards museums. In addition, the participants’ motivations for joining the club, their views on the role of classical archaeology in contemporary society, as well as an evaluation of the topics and activities from the club were also examined. The results show that participants valued the contact with replicas of archaeological finds and the new information gained. The most popular activities were, for example, legionary training and playing games known from ancient history. In addition, measuring attitudes before and after the club demonstrates the positive effect of the club on attitudes towards museums.

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