ISSN : 1803-7828 (Print), 2533-5634 (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Tereza Žůrková
Vedoucí redaktor : Tereza Žůrková
Dílo Josepha a Michaela Haydna ve sbírce Ondřeje Horníka
Michaela Freemanová
Joseph Haydn (1732–1809) and his brother Michael (1737–1806) were the most popular composers in eighteenth-century Bohemia, and their compositions have been preserved in collections in Prague, among other places. The study deals with Haydniana in the collection of Ondřej Horník (1864–1917) kept at…
Druhý život Mistra Jana Husa a husitství v české a světové hudbě – revoluční rok 1848
Viktor Velek
As part of his research on development of the traditions of “Jan Hus” and “Hussitism” as musical subject matter, the author of the article has concentrated on 1848, the Year of Revolution. The first part of the text introduces the texts of revolutionary songs and outlines the circumstances that led…
Smetana a Shakespeare
Olga Mojžíšová
This study deals with Bedřich Smetana’s encounters with the legacy of William Shakespeare. The introduction is devoted to Smetana’s participation at the celebration of Shakespeare’s 300th birthday in 1864, at which he took part in the organization and dramaturgy as a conductor and a composer. The…
Dvořákova Mše D dur („Lužanská“) pro sbor, varhany, violoncella a kontrabasy
Haig Utidjian
Dvořák’s Mass in D was commissioned by the Czech architect and visionary Josef Hlávka for the consecration of the chapel of his mansion in Lužany; the première of the original version of the work was given at a private service on 11 September, 1887. However, the focus of the present article is on a…
Pamětní album s korespondencí Josefa Suka
Jana Vojtěšková
A commemorative album with the correspondence of Josef Suk (1874–1935) belonged to his son. It contains both commemorative inscriptions made by persons who were in contact with the composer Josef Suk, and also correspondence addressed to the composer, and later to his grandson – the violinist Josef…
Neznámá varhanní tabulatura ze začátku 17. století
Dagmar Štefancová
In the course of research on fragments from the National Museum Library, a large torso was discovered containing hitherto unknown organ tablatures from the early seventeenth century (shelf mark CZ-Pn 1 K 219). The author of the article reassemble the torso based on signatures and analyzed its…
Výstavní činnost Muzea Antonína Dvořáka a Muzea Bedřicha Smetany v letech 2009–2017
Veronika Vejvodová, Kateřina Viktorová