Periodické publikace
Lynx, nová série
Myocricetodontinae and Megacricetodontini (Rodentia) from the lower Miocene of NW Anatolia [Fauna podčeledi Myocricetodotinae a tribu Megacricetodontini (Rodentia) ze spodního miocénu severozápadní Anatolie (Turecko)]
Myocricetodontinae and Megacricetodontini (Rodentia) from the lower Miocene of NW Anatolia [Fauna podčeledi Myocricetodotinae a tribu Megacricetodontini (Rodentia) ze spodního miocénu severozápadní Anatolie (Turecko)]
Wilma Wessels, Konstantinos D. Theocharopoulos, Hans de Bruijn, Engin Ünay
Stránky | 371–388 |
Citace | WESSELS, Wilma, THEOCHAROPOULOS, Konstantinos D., BRUIJN, Hans de a ÜNAY, Engin. Myocricetodontinae and Megacricetodontini (Rodentia) from the lower Miocene of NW Anatolia [Fauna podčeledi Myocricetodotinae a tribu Megacricetodontini (Rodentia) ze spodního miocénu severozápadní Anatolie (Turecko)]. Lynx, nová série. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2001, 32(1), 371–388. ISSN 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online). Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/lnsr/32-1/myocricetodontinae-and-megacricetodontini-rodentia-from-the-lower-miocene-of-nw-anatolia-fauna-podceledi-myocricetodotinae-a-tribu-megacricetodontini-rodentia-ze-spodniho-miocenu-severozapadni-anatolie-turecko |
The small mammal assemblage from Keseköy (MN 3) is dominated by Muroidea. Among these there is a new primitive myocricetodontine, Vallaris zappai gen. nov., sp. nov., and Megacricetodon sp. Vallaris gen. nov. is considered to be at least potentially ancestral to later myocricetodontine genera. The similarity in dental morphology of some myocricetodontines and Megacricetodon is considered to be the result of convergent evolution, so they are not closely related.