Hipparions (Mammalia: Equidae) from the Mio- and Pliocene of Kazakhstan, Central Asia. A review [Přehled hiparionů (Mammalia: Equidae) z miocénu a pliocénu Kazachstánu, střední Asie]

Stránky 67–88
Citace TLEUBERDINA, Piruza a FORSTEN, Ann. Hipparions (Mammalia: Equidae) from the Mio- and Pliocene of Kazakhstan, Central Asia. A review [Přehled hiparionů (Mammalia: Equidae) z miocénu a pliocénu Kazachstánu, střední Asie]. Lynx, nová série. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2001, 32(1), 67–88. ISSN 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online). Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/lnsr/32-1/hipparions-mammalia-equidae-from-the-mio-and-pliocene-of-kazakhstan-central-asia-a-review-prehled-hiparionu-mammalia-equidae-zmiocenu-a-pliocenu-kazachstanu-stredni-asie
Lynx, nová série | 2001/32/1

The Old World hipparions, i. e. the fossil equid genera Hipparion de Christol and Proboscidipparion Sefve, occurred in Kazakhstan from the early Late Miocene into the Middle Pliocene, or for approximately 9 Ma. In the material obtained from 13 localities in Kazakhstan here described, some 4–5 hipparion taxa can be distinguished, but in most cases their specific status remains uncertain because of insufficient material. In this paper we review and compare these local finds and discuss their stratigraphic age on the basis of the accompanying fauna.

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