

ISSN : 1802-6842 (print), 1802-6850 (electronic)
Vedoucí redaktor : RNDr. Jiřina Dašková, Ph.D. (Národní muzeum; Geol. ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.)
V období od 13. 1. 2025 do 20. 1. 2025 bude e-shop z provozních důvodů mimo provoz.

O posmrtné historii mozku historika a politika Františka Palackého

František Palacký (1798–1876), a historian and politician, was one of the most eminent personalities of the Czech society of the 19th century. He died on 26 May 1876 in Prague and on 30 May 1876, in the evening before the burial, the Palacký’s head was dissected and his brain was extracted and…

Anthropological research into a family tomb from Vetlá cemetery (Bohemia, 19th–20th centuries), with a focus on the morphological similarity of biologically related individuals.

In common osteological practice, there are few opportunities to verify the relationship between morphological similarity and the biological relatedness of individuals. This contribution expands knowledge in this area based on research into a family tomb from Vetlá (Bohemia, 19th–20th centuries),…