

ISSN : 1214-0627
Vedoucí redaktor : Woitschová Klára
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Politické vzdělávání v meziválečném Československu a Svobodná škola politických nauk / Political education in interwar Czechoslovakia and the Free School of Political Studies

The submitted study investigates the issue of political education in interwar Czechoslovakia. Society at this time placed great emphasis on the issue of political education for a number of reasons, above all as a means and method to defend and explain the benefits of the democratic political system…

Legio Angelica – nástroj disciplinace katolických chlapců. Výchova ke kněžství a k laické misijní činnosti v Legio angelica pod vedením P. Methoda K. Klementa, OSB v letech 1927–1937 / Education for the Priesthood and Lay Missionary activities in the Legi

This paper looks at how the Benedictine monk and well-known preacher P. Method K. Klement, OSB, worked with the altar boys of the Legio angelica between 1927 and 1937. This organization centred on apostolic activity for altar boys, preparing them for future priestly and secular activities. Czech…

Náprstkovo muzeum v nespojitém čase – aneb několik úvah nad osudy muzejní instituce v letech 1945 až 1946 / The Náprstek Museum at a distinct time – or some thoughts on the fates of the museum institution in 1945 to 1949

The Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American cultures is not just part of the National Museum, but also one of the major domestic museum institutions. It is a unique institution in this field within the Czech environment for its focus on non-European ethnography in the context of Czech travel…

Sto sedmdesát let muzejního archivu / 170 years of the National Museum Archive

On 1 March 2016, the National Museum Archive celebrated the 170th anniversary of its founding and the 20th anniversary of operations beginning in the Na Zátorách building on which significant renovations have been undertaken in recent years. In December 2007, accreditation was confirmed for the…