Česká selka – „aktérka“ moderních hospodářských, sociálních a kulturních dějin. Možnosti prezentace v paměťových institucích

Stránky 5–15
DOI 10.37520/amnph.2021.015
Klíčová slova Czech lands, economic and social history, history of everyday life, ethnology, gender history, female peasant, peasant
Citace KUBŮ, Eduard a ŠOUŠA, Jiří. Česká selka – „aktérka“ moderních hospodářských, sociálních a kulturních dějin. Možnosti prezentace v paměťových institucích. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2021, 75(3-4), 5–15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/amnph.2021.015. ISSN 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online). Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/acta-musei-nationalis-pragae-historia/75-3-4/ceska-selka-akterka-modernich-hospodarskych-socialnich-a-kulturnich-dejin-moznosti-prezentace-v-pametovych-institucich
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia | 2021/75/3-4

In Czech historical production and in the presentation of the rural environment in memory institutions, the peasant is an almost invisible person for the period of the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, when the farmstead or peasant farm became a kind of showroom of commercialised, ethnically Czech agriculture. This was the case even though as a housewife (the wife of a farmer) she became a member of the middle class, part of the village elite. Literature, both fictional and academic, reflects on her care of her children and her diet, acknowledges her role in managing the farmstead, but leaves aside her spiritual life, her place in national society, and many other aspects. The presentation and visualisation of the Czech female peasant world should systematically show what was natural to it at the time and is unthinkable today, clarify the limits and boundaries of the social space that was reserved for female peasants and their daughters, explaining that the conservative tradition of the countryside has long limited women in their social and cultural roles, as well as in their fundamental economic roles. The female peasant is now a social category of the past and is therefore also unknown. The exploration of her life in the recent past contributes to the understanding of women’s emancipation, the economic and social modernisation of the countryside, and reminds us of a number of cultural and craft traditions slowly fading into oblivion.

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