ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Kateřina Spurná
Vedoucí redaktor : Kateřina Spurná
Ilustrace v hudebninách a literatuře o hudbě pro děti první poloviny 20. století jako symptom multimediality
Bronislava Rokytová
At the beginning of the 21st century, it seems to be normal for children’s books to be accompanied not only by illustrations but often also by sounds. They are in electronic form, stimulate tactile sensations and, within a certain space, step into the realm of augmented reality. Nevertheless,…
Kresba nebo fotomontáž pro děti? Příklady inovativních přístupů ilustrace dětské knihy v meziválečném Československu
Eva Bendová, Vilma Hubáčková
The aim of the paper has been to show the plethora of innovative approaches to the illustration of books for children in the interwar period in Czechoslovakia (1918–1938). In a journal focused on education and literature (Úhor [Fallow]), the first synthetic text devoted to the aesthetics of…
Biblické ilustrace Jana Konůpka
Ota Halama
In the 19th century, illustrated Bibles reappeared in the Czech environment. On the one hand, these were illustrations taken from the milieu of the Nazarene movement, combining admiration for the old Renaissance and Baroque masters with modern works. On the other hand, particular popularity among…
Ilustrácia detskej knihy na Slovensku v kontexte sociopolitických zmien (1932 – 1971): Prípad knihy Fraňa Kráľa, Čenkovej deti
Jana Migašová
The subject of the paper is the changing visual language of the illustrations in Čenkovej deti [Čenková’s Children] by Fraňo Kráľ (1932). After 1948, the book was transformed into a paradigmatic story reflecting social injustice and became compulsory reading for primary-school children. This…
Mapové aplikace internetové knihovny Špalíček.net. Příspěvek k výzkumu kramářských tisků
Iva Bydžovská
The Špalíček Digital Library has provided digital access to the collections of chapbooks since 2011. Interactive map applications make it possible to explore the geographical information contained in the digital-library database in context. They will provide researchers and the general public with a…
Knižní práce ve sbírkách oddělení knižní kultury Knihovny Národního muzea a jejich zpracování
Veronika Karfusová
The article deals with the collection of illustrations in the Book Culture Department of the National Museum Library and its professional processing. The text describes the handling of new acquisitions, their sorting, and the processing of original book and magazine illustrations and their…
Nobelova cena za literaturu pro Jaroslava Seiferta: pohled ze Švédska
Miloslava Slavíčková
The central concern of this article is the Nobel Prize in Literature awarded to Jaroslav Seifert in 1984. The paper focuses on the Swedish Academyʼs motivation for the award, on the official award ceremony and banquet, as well as on other related events. It presents translations of Seifertʼs poetry…