

ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Kateřina Spurná

Jungmann a čeští gramatici

The study deals with Josef Jungmannʼs relation to grammar. Part I shows that Jungmann switched from the term mluvník, the purist equivalent of the Latin word grammatica (‘grammarʼ), to the term mluvnice, which had been mainly promoted by Václav Hanka. Part II examines the inspirational sources of…

Jungmannův koncept „dobrého autora“ jako kulturní praxe

The study deals, on the one hand, with Jungmann’s texts that laid the foundation for Czech-language culture in the long 19th century and, on the other hand, with Czech national institutions and their selected actors who developed this language culture within them. The focus is on the concept of the…

Josef Jungmann: literární kritik jako národní filolog

Josef Jungmann (1773–1847) is traditionally considered to be the founder of Czech literary criticism (in the sense of Literaturkritik), although he did not, with a few exceptions, write the actual reviews of fiction, which were crucial for the development of the discussion of literature in the…