

ISSN : 0036-5351
Vedoucí redaktor : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.

Osobnosti česko-francouzské kulturní mediace kolem Hanuše Jelínka (1878–1944)


Les débuts de Hanuš Jelínek au Mercure de France

The aim of this article is to describe the beginnings of the cooperation between Hanuš Jelínek and the journal and publishing house Mercure de France. In March 1900, Jelínek published, under the pseudonym Jean Otokar, his first study ‘La Poésie moderne tchèque’ in the Parisian journal. For some…

Václav Hladík. Přímý (a zapomenutý) předchůdce Hanuše Jelínka

The article studies the major stages in the life of the Czech journalist and writer Václav Hladík. This native of Prague died prematurely in 1913. In particular, the study tries to demonstrate his connections to another remarkable figure of cultural transfer – Hanuš Jelínek. In the first place,…

Fričova pařížská léta tučná i hubená

The article focuses on the elucidation of the broader context of the cultural, social and political activities of Josef Václav Frič during his emigration to Paris. It outlines the circumstances of his efforts to promote the Czech issue in Europe and popularise it among the wider public. It thus…

Knihovna Viléma Gablera a Alexandr Veliký

The article is divided into three parts. The first one aims to present the figure of Vilém Gabler, a close colleague of Karel Havlíček and František Ladislav Rieger, as a person important for the beginnings of Czech–French relations and for the spread of the knowledge of the Czech language and…

Melancholie, Hanuš Jelínek a Miloš Marten

The aim of this article is to present the roles of Miloš Marten (1883–1917) in the Czech–French cultural events of the first decade of the 20th century in the background of his contacts with Hanuš Jelínek (1878–1944). The first part of the article deals with Marten’s artistic and life experience…

Osobní knihovna lustrovaná Státní bezpečností

In November 1951, books, manuscripts and other archivalia were confiscated during house searches in the flats of Karel Teige and Eva Ebertová. The confiscated set of books was considered to be lost until 1994, when it was handed over from the State Archives to the Library of the Museum of Czech…