ISSN : 0029-6074
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Lenka Vacinová, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Lenka Vacinová, Ph.D.
Antoninus Pius – císař reprezentující „zlatý věk“ římského impéria / Antoninus Pius – Emperor representing the ‘Golden Age’ of the Roman Empire
Zdeněk Petráň
The coins of the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius struck in the mid-2nd century AD are very popular among collectors because they practically very often appear in all their denominations, and the numismatic trade offers a large scale of all coin types of this ruler. Also the personality of this Emperor…
Tri neznáme typy keltských mincí zo stredných Čiech / Three unknown types of the Celtic coins from central Bohemia
Július Fröhlich
Reportedly in 2018, three Celtic coins of unpublished types were found in the territory of central Bohemia. The first type is represented by a gold 1/8-stater, reportedly discovered on unknown location of the Kolín district. Its new iconography is confirmed by the reverse image of the sitting figure…
Neznámý keltský ¼statér – typ hlava Athény / čtyřnohé zvíře / Unknown Celtic ¼-stater of the Athena head / four-legged animal type
Jiří Militký
The article is focused on one unpublished ¼-stater (1.84 g) of the Athena head / four-legged animal type. The coin has been recently documented among collectors, and no finding provenance is known. Based on the typological and metrological analyses, it is possible to take hypothetically in mind the…
Vzácná varianta republikánského denáru typu RRC 222/1 / A rare variety of the Roman Republican denarius of the RRC 222/1 type
Lenka Vacinová
An extremely rare variety of the Roman Republican denarius of the RRC 222/1 type has been identified recently in the numismatic collection of the National Museum in Prague. The article analyses its iconography in a broader context of the Greek and Roman coinages as well as other visual art styles…
Výrobní defekty na pražském groši Václava IV. / Defects in production of one Prague grossus struck under Wenceslas IV
Jan Boublík
Defects in coin production represent the known sorts of anomalies in the striking process which are connected with inattention of the minter or his assistant. The defective coins are characterized by the fact that they were struck twice of the same pair of dies by mistake. This kind of defective…
Depoty uložené v kutnohorském muzeu / Coin hoards preserved in the Kutná Hora (Kuttenberg) museum
Josef Kremla
The Bohemian Museum of Silver in Kutná Hora (Kuttenberg) has recently eleven coin hoards and seventeen single finds in its numismatic collection. Some 20 years ago, Z. Petráň gave a lecture about them during the numismatic colloquy in Pardubice. This article should correct some inaccuracies and adds…
Okrojené falsum pražského groše Ferdinanda I. a problematika okrajování pražských grošů / Clipped forgery of the Prague grossus of Ferdinand I and problems with clipping of the Prague gross
Lukáš Richtera, Matěj Březina
A clipped forgery of the Prague grossus of Ferdinand I of Habsburg is described in the article. Its fabric is relatively good, the massive clipping obviously reminds this sort of activity typical for territories outside the Kingdom of Bohemia, where mainly the Prague grossi of John I of Luxemburg or…
K počátkům kutnohorské ražby tolarů Maxmiliána II. v roce 1573 / Notes to the beginning of the thaler production under Maximilian II in Kuttenberg in 1573
Eduard Šimek
The year 1573 undoubtedly represents one of the most important milestones in the Bohemian monetary history before the Thirty Years War. After many comments of various specialists and the ordinary public on the monetary code issued by Ferdinand I in 1561 (thalers of 28.93 g with quality of 895/1000…
Zajímavý vratislavský tříkrejcar Ferdinanda II. / An interesting three-kreuzer piece struck under Ferdinand II in Breslau
Pavel Vojtíšek
The three-kreuzer struck under Ferdinand II in Breslau in 1625 authorized by the mint-master Jan (John) Riedel – a piece not listed in numismatic literature up to date – is described in this article. The coin is interesting by marking its denomination on obverse as well as on reverse. The…
Pamětní medaile v základním kameni kostela sv. Anny v Českých Budějovicích / A commemorative medal reminding setting of the foundation stone of the St. Ann Church in České Budějovice
Daniel Kovář
The article is focused on the commemorative medal connected with foundation of the Baroque St. Ann Church affiliated to the Capuchin Monastery in České Budějovice. The data from the chronicles and official records report about the fact, that on June 1, 1615, the municipal council had ‘ein ubergeltn…
Pamětní mince vydané v roce 2018 / Commemorative coins produced in 2018
Šárka Vicherová
The Czech National Bank issued seven commemorative coins in 2018. Three of them are in silver: the 200 CZK piece celebrating the 500th anniversary of edition of the Klaudyán map of Bohemia, the 200 CZK piece celebrating the 200th anniversary of foundation of the National Museum, the 200 CZK piece…