

ISSN : 0029-6074
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Lenka Vacinová, Ph.D.

Czeskie monety z X–XI wieku z cmentarzysk w miejscowościach Bodzia i Dziekanowice (Polska) / Bohemian coins of the 10–11th centuries from the cemeteries in Bodzia and Dziekanowice (Poland)

The article presents the Bohemian coins discovered during the archaeological excavations at two Early Medieval cemeteries. At the location Bodzia, 58 graves dating to the 10th–11th centuries have been discovered. In 24 of them, 12 complete coins and 55 coin fragments have been found. Three of these…

Znalezisko denara czeskiego króla Władysława I i inne niezwykłe monety spod Radziejowa na Kujawach / The find of the denier of King Vladislaus I of Bohemia and other unusual coins from the area of Radziejów in Kuyavia (Poland)

One denier of King Vladislaus I (1140–1158–1172), type Cach 614a, was found single near Stary Radziejów (Radziejów commune and district). This is the second find of the Bohemian coin dating to the 12th century in Poland, and the first coin of the mentioned king found there. The meaning of the…

Strieborné mince Žigmunda I. Luxemburského (1387–1437) a ich dopad na uhorské menové pomery / Silver coins of Sigismund I of Luxembourg (1387–1437) and their impact on the Hungarian monetary situation.

During the rule of Sigismund I of Luxembourg, relatively stable gold coins (ducats) and several types of silver coins of different denominations were produced in Hungary. In the entire period, three basic types of deniers were struck in the following time spans: 1387–1389 (H 575), 1390–1427 (H 576)…

Tři nepublikované nálezy uherských středověkých dukátů ze sbírky Národního muzea / Three unpublished finds of the Hungarian medieval ducats from the collection of the National Museum

In process of preparation of publication focused on the Hungarian medieval ducats from the collection of the National Museum, information about unknown and unpublished finds appeared in the archive documents of the Numismatic Department. Documentation talks about three Hungarian ducats struck under…

Tlustý kruhový peníz se lvem / Thick round coin with lion image

The author presents an unknown double-sided thick round coin with lion and crown images preserved in a private collection. Based on detailed iconographic and material analyses, and on comparison with the contemporary lion / crown types, the author offers the very likely dating of the coin. It was…