

ISSN : 1211-0329 (print), 1804-6495 (online)
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Jiří Sejkora, PhD.
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Historie dolování, ložisková geologie a mineralogie některých lokalit v novoknínské zlatonosné oblasti (střední Čechy)

The Nový Knín area represents besides the Jílové gold-bearing district the second very significant gold-bearing region in the central Bohemia (Czech Republic). This paper summarizes hitherto knowledge about mining history, economic geology and mineralogy of some localities in the Nový Knín…

Minerálne inklúzie v beryle, živcoch a kremeni z granitového pegmatitu Moravany nad Váhom - Striebornica (Považský Inovec, západné Slovensko): chemické zloženie a genetické aspekty

Numerous microscopic inclusions of cassiterite, ferrotapiolite (?), „hydroxycalciomicrolite“, gahnite, magnetite, fluorapatite, barite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena, muscovite, and bertrandite or phenakite occur in coarse-grained beryl, microcline, albite and quartz from the core zone of the Moravany…

Mladopaleozoické vulkanity Žatecka, sz. Čechy

A series of bore holes around the town of Žatec revealed a large complex of Permo-Carboniferous (Gzhelian - Asselian) mafic volcanics 150 to 400 m beneath the Tertiary and Cretaceous sedimentary cover. The extent of it is estimated to 80 km2 with the maximum thickness of 53 m consisting of several…

Hörnesit z Mikulova v Krušných horách (Česká republika)

Supergene hydrated magnesium arsenate, hörnesite, was recently found on the historical Ag-deposit Mikulov in the Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic). Hörnesite forms there white, radial to hemispherical or irregular acicular to disc-like aggregates with pearly lustre up to 7 mm. Hörnesite…

Sn-Ti mineralizace z revíru Krupka v Krušných horách (Česká republika)

The unusual Sn-Ti mineralization was found at the Krupka ore district, Krušné hory Mountains, Czech Republic. Anatase occurs there in three morphological types: anatase 1 forms bluish grey, grey to brown tabular crystals up to 1 mm in size which forms together with chlorite pseudomorphs after…

Walpurgin z uranového ložiska Medvědín, Krkonoše (Česká republika)

Rare supergene Bi-uranyl arsenate, walpurgite, was found in material from the vein No. 18 at the abandoned adit No. 1 at the Medvědín uranium deposit, Krkonoše Mountains, northern Bohemia, Czech Republic. Walpurgite occurs there as bright yellow tabular crystals with characteristic greasy to…

Epidot z metabazaltov malužinského súvrstvia na lokalitách Lošonec a Sološnica v Malých Karpatoch (Slovensko)

Epidote was found in Permian rift-related metabasalts in two localities near Lošonec and Sološnica, Malé Karpaty Mountains, SW Slovakia. It occurs in association with calcite, albite, clinochlore and titanite and forms fillings of veins and also smaller scattered veinlets cutting basalts. Epidote is…