Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze
Hnedý ihličkovitý dravit z mastencovo-magnezitového ložiska Gemerská Poloma (gemerikum, Slovensko)
Hnedý ihličkovitý dravit z mastencovo-magnezitového ložiska Gemerská Poloma (gemerikum, Slovensko)
Peter Bačík, Ivan Dianiška, Martin Števko, Peter Sečkár
Pages | 164-170 |
Citation | BAČÍK, Peter, DIANIŠKA, Ivan, ŠTEVKO, Martin a SEČKÁR, Peter. Hnedý ihličkovitý dravit z mastencovo-magnezitového ložiska Gemerská Poloma (gemerikum, Slovensko). Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze. Prague: National Museum, 2011, 19(2), 164-170. ISSN 1211-0329 (print), 1804-6495 (online). Also available from: |
Brown tourmaline was found on the Gemerská Poloma talc-magnesite deposit. Fibrous tourmaline forms aggregates along with talc on the slip surface of carbonate rock containing dolomite, magnesite and accessory fluorapatite. Tourmaline (dravite) is almost homogeneous with very high XMg (0.95 - 0.96), very low X-site vacancy (up to 0.17) and Ca content (up 0.05 apfu). The Fe content is also very low (up to 0.14 apfu), the content of Al varies between 5.97 and 6.27 apfu. The calculated WO2- content correlates with the content of Al which suggests quite significant role of AlOMg-1(OH)-1 substitution and other substitutions are negligible. However, the studied dravite is rather significantly Al-Mg disordered - ZMg/(ZMg+YMg) = 0.45 až 0.50, as suggested by distribution of Al and Mg among octahedral sites calculated from the lattice parameters (a = 15.9289(7) Å; c = 7.2132(17) Å) and calculated bond lengths (