Pokus o rekonstrukci nálezu denárů z konce 10. století z okolí Ústí nad Labem (z rukopisných poznámek E. Fialy) / Reconstruction attempt in the case of the hoard of the deniers dating back to the 10th century found near Ústí nad Labem (Based on hand-writt

Stránky 26-28
DOI 10.1515/nl-2017-0003
Citace LUKAS, Jiří . Pokus o rekonstrukci nálezu denárů z konce 10. století z okolí Ústí nad Labem (z rukopisných poznámek E. Fialy) / Reconstruction attempt in the case of the hoard of the deniers dating back to the 10th century found near Ústí nad Labem (Based on hand-writt. Numismatické listy. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2017, 72(1-2), 26-28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/nl-2017-0003. ISSN 0029-6074. Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/nl/72-1-2/pokus-o-rekonstrukci-nalezu-denaru-z-konce-10-stoleti-z-okoli-usti-nad-labem-z-rukopisnych-poznamek-e-fialy-reconstruction-attempt-in-the-case-of-the-hoard-of-the-deniers-dating-back-to-the-10th-century-found-near-usti-nad-labem-based-on-hand-writt
Numismatické listy | 2017/72/1-2

The article offers a partial reconstruction attempt focused on the hoard of the Bohemian deniers struck under Boleslaus II (972–999) discovered in the surroundings of Ústí nad Labem sometimes before 1895. The reconstruction is based on analysis of older literature and the hand-written notes produced by the Czech numismatist Eduard Fiala.

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