K postavení tzv. imitativních ražeb v počátcích českého (a moravského) mincovnictví v 10. století / Notes to the role of the so-called imitative coins at the beginning of the Bohemian (and Moravian) coinage of the 10th century

Stránky 10-25
DOI 10.1515/nl-2017-0002
Citace VIDEMAN, Jan . K postavení tzv. imitativních ražeb v počátcích českého (a moravského) mincovnictví v 10. století / Notes to the role of the so-called imitative coins at the beginning of the Bohemian (and Moravian) coinage of the 10th century. Numismatické listy. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2017, 72(1-2), 10-25. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/nl-2017-0002. ISSN 0029-6074. Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/nl/72-1-2/k-postaveni-tzv-imitativnich-razeb-v-pocatcich-ceskeho-a-moravskeho-mincovnictvi-v-10-stoleti-notes-to-the-role-of-the-so-called-imitative-coins-at-the-beginning-of-the-bohemian-and-moravian-coinage-of-the-10th-century
Numismatické listy | 2017/72/1-2

The article is focused on problems with the so-called imitative coins, i.e. deniers copying the Bavarian and Bohemian prototypes which are documented in hoards together with official issues. In the case of the earliest phase of production of the first Bohemian coins – dating to the third quarter of the 10th century – also the so-called imitative pieces with corruptive marginal legends are registered in the contemporary hoards together with the official coins bearing the name of the duke and the mint. The author brings an actualized list of these coins produced in that period and found locally. The pieces made of worse-quality metal – mostly with plated copper core – dominate among the newly documented specimens predominantly coming from important hillforts or trade centers. Based on the map of the finds and on the variability of their fabric, at least a significant part of these coins were evidently mostly produced outside of the center of the Duchy of Bohemia (Prague). Local origin can be considered also in the case of the Moravian pieces.

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