Muzejní a edukační expozice v hradozámeckém prostředí na příkladu fenoménu relikviáře sv. Maura a autenticky dochovaného hradu Bečov

Stránky 14-24
DOI 10.1515/mmvp-2017-0010
Citace WIZOVSKÝ, Tomáš . Muzejní a edukační expozice v hradozámeckém prostředí na příkladu fenoménu relikviáře sv. Maura a autenticky dochovaného hradu Bečov. Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2016, 54(2), 14-24. DOI: ISSN 1803-0386. Dostupné také z:
Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce | 2016/54/2

Usually state castles and châteaux in the Czech Republic take advantage of traditional guiding services for their public presentation, together with interior monument installations and allusive exhibitions. Exceptions are those monuments the current exhibitions in which follow- up on the pre-war family museums or on the presentations of family collections. Lately, however, the museum and gallery educational presentations of historical interiors are promoted in the form of free tours even in this area1. One example of the application of this concept is represented by the large premises of the National Heritage State Castle and Château in Bečov nad Teplou. To understand the specifics of the chosen solution, however, a more comprehensive excursion is required both into the history of this monument and to the approaches applied there previously.

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