Středověká varhanní tabulatura na rukopisném zlomku z Knihovny Národního muzea

Stránky 6-42
DOI DOI 10.1515/muscz-2018-0001
Klíčová slova Organ tablature, ars organisandi, medieval treatises on music, fragments, Kyrie magne deus, Salve, sancta parens, National Museum Library, tactus, organ paraphrases of liturgical plainchants, 14th / 15th century
Citace HORYNA, Martin. Středověká varhanní tabulatura na rukopisném zlomku z Knihovny Národního muzea . Musicalia. Journal of the Czech Museum of Music / Časopis Českého muzea hudby . Praha: Národní muzeum, 2018, 10(1-2), 6-42. DOI: 10.1515/muscz-2018-0001. ISSN 1803-7828 (Print), 2533-5634 (Online). Dostupné také z:
Musicalia. Journal of the Czech Museum of Music / Časopis Českého muzea hudby | 2018/10/1-2

The manuscript fragment in the collection of the National Museum Library in Prague under shelf mark 1 D a 3/52 is a sheet of paper with writing on both sides, containing two strata of inscriptions. The first tratum consists of accounting records, one of which is dated to 1356. That is also the terminus post quem for the other stratum of nscriptions, namely the musical notation of two liturgical plainchants in two-voice organ paraphrases. This involves the introit Salve, sancta arens and the Kyrie magne Deus. The discant is written in black mensural notation on a staff, while the tenor, which quotes the plainchant melody, is partially written in musical notation on the same staff, partially notated by letters for note names, and partially only indicated by syllables of text of the original plainchant. This notation documents the transition from practise without notation to the written notation of music for keyboard instruments, and it significantly supplements the material found in treatises from the milieu of the ars organisandi, which are available to us from fifteenth-century manuscripts.

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