First observation of pollen transport in endemic Cape Verdean Chioninia scincid lizards (Scincidae)
Stránky | 5–12 |
DOI | 10.37520/jnmpnhs.2025.002 |
Klíčová slova | Chioninia stangeri, florivory, Lotus, Macaronesia, oceanic islands, pollination, Tribulus, Zygophyllum |
Citace | MORAVEC, Jiří a MORAVCOVÁ, Lenka. First observation of pollen transport in endemic Cape Verdean Chioninia scincid lizards (Scincidae). Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2025, 194(1), 5–12. DOI: ISSN 1802-6842 (print), 1802-6850 (electronic). Dostupné také z: |
Atlantic oceanic islands host a unique fauna of endemic lizards, at least some of which closely interact with local native and alien plants. Knowledge of these interactions is necessary for effective protection of the island’s biodiversity. Interactions between the endemic Cape Verdean skink Chioninia stangeri (Scincidae) and three native plant species – Tribulus cistoides, Zygophyllum simplex (both Zygophyllaceae) and Lotus sp. (Fabaceae) were studied and photographically documented on the island of Săo Vicente (Cape Verde Islands) in September 2024. Florivory appears to have an important place in the feeding strategy of C. stangeri. Lizards frequently consumed the flowers of all three plant species studied. Flowers of Z. simplex and Lotus sp. were eaten completely. In the case of Tribulus cistoides, the lizards consumed mainly the petals and stamens, leaving most of the pistils undamaged. While eating the petals, the lizards touched the reproductive organs of T. cistoides and the pollen grains stuck to their snout. This is the first observation of pollen transport in Chioninia scincid lizards. Possible contribution of C. stangeri to the pollination of T. cistoides is discussed.