ISSN : 2533-4050 (tisk), 2533-4069 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Jiří Kvaček
Vedoucí redaktor : Jiří Kvaček
Zdeněk V. Špinar – The professional life of a world-renowned Czech paleoherpetologist
Zbyněk Roček, Kraig Adler
The hopping dead: Late Cretaceous frogs from the middle – late Campanian (Judithian) of western North America
James Gardner, Cory M. Redman, Richard Cifelli
Frog origins: inferences based on ancestral reconstructions of locomotor performance and anatomy
Anthony Herrel, Cécile Moureaux, Michel Laurin, Gheylen Daghfous, Kristen Crandell, Krystal Tolley, John Measey, Bike Vanhooydonck, Renaud Boistel