ISSN : 2533-4050 (tisk), 2533-4069 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Jiří Kvaček
Vedoucí redaktor : Jiří Kvaček
Permian fauna of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin (Bohemian Massif, Central Europe)
Jaroslav Zajíc
A complete faunal list was compiled for the Early Permian lake deposits of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin. Fauna-bearing sites and boreholes belong to two local zones of the Bohemian Massif. Sedimentary facies together with the faunal content and taphonomy of the fossil- bearing sites enabled an…
Late Cretaceous nautilid juveniles of Cymatoceras reussi and Eutrephoceras aff. sublaevigatum – scarce fossils under risk of pyrite degradation
Frank Jiří, Sklenář Jan, Ekrt Boris
The syntype collection of “Nautilus reussi” has been subject to a detailed revision resulting in confirmation of at least provisional
validity of the species represented by a single juvenile specimen. This species, restricted now to the Late Coniacian, is inserted into the genus
Cymatoceras Hyatt,…
Revisions to Roland Brown’s North American Paleocene flora
Steven R. Manchester
The Paleocene megafossil flora of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region in the United States of America, including leaves,
cones, fruits, and seeds, monographed by Roland W. Brown in 1962, has been reevaluated and updated to include subsequent taxonomic revisions. The scope of this…
Marattiopsis vodrazkae sp. nov. (Marattiaceae) from the Campanian of the Hidden Lake Formation, James Ross Island, Antarctica
Jiří Kvaček
A new fossil eusporangiate fern Marattiopsis vodrazkae J. Kvaček, sp. nov. has been recovered from the Hidden Lake Formation,
the Campanian of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Its fertile and sterile pinnules are described and compared to the other species of the fossil
genus Marattiopsis Schimper…
Thecal cup of the crinoid Edriocrinus preserved inside the shell of an orthocone cephalopod: Middle Devonian, (Eifelian) from Bohemia
Rudolf J. Prokop, Vojtěch Turek
We describe an almost complete cup of the flexible crinoid genus Edriocrinus found in the Acanthopyge Limestone (Eifelian) in the
Koněprusy region. The articulated cup, composed of an anal X and well defined radial plates, is preserved inside the living chamber of an
orthocone cephalopod. This cup…
Barnacles (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Thoracica) from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin described by Fritsch and Kafka (1887), with the exclusion of the family Stramentidae
Tomáš Kočí, Martina Kočová Veselská, John W. M. Jagt
The original types of seven cirripede taxa recorded between 1885 and 1887 by J. Kafka and A. Fritsch et J. Kafka are redescribed
and reillustrated. These stalked (scalpellomorph) and sessile (brachylepadomorph) species include ‘Scillaelepas’ conica (REUSS, 1844), Titanolepas tuberculata (DARWIN,…