Ornitologické dopisy Emmanuela Lokaye Antonínu Fričovi z roku 1850

Stránky 86–92
Citace MLÍKOVSKÝ, Jiří. Ornitologické dopisy Emmanuela Lokaye Antonínu Fričovi z roku 1850. Časopis Národního muzea. Řada historická. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2013, 182(1-2), 86–92. ISSN 1214-0627. Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/anrhmah/182-1-2/ornitologicke-dopisy-emmanuela-lokaye-antoninu-fricovi-z-roku-1850
Časopis Národního muzea. Řada historická | 2013/182/1-2

In 1850, Emmanuel Lokay (1822–1890), Czech zoologist, wrote several letters to Antonín Frič (1832–1913), another Czech zoologist. In them he described his working conditions as a member of border finance patrol and listed ornithological records from the vicinity of Rumburk and Varnsdorf in northwestern Bohemia. These letters, written in Czech and formerly unknown to ornithologists, are printed in full and their contents are commented.

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