ISSN : 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Jiří Honzl
Vedoucí redaktor : Jiří Honzl
A. R. Nykl and Mexico's Past, Present and Future
Dagmar Winklerová
This article aims to describe the personality of the talented Czech linguist and distinctive philosopher Alois Richard Nykl, with a special focus on his repeated stays in Mexico as well as his reflection of the post-revolutionary developments there. The unpublished travelogue “Present-Day Mexico,”…
Kuchi Jewellery
Tereza Hejzlarová, Libor Dušek, Ján Vančo, Michal Čajan, Zdeněk Trávníček
This article focuses on jewellery made by the Kuchi people, which is still one of the marginalized topics. It presents the best-known types of Kuchi jewellery, the way it is worn, the most commonly used materials for its production and the most utilized jewellery techniques. With respect to the date…
An Ancient Egyptian Tomb Inscription from Klapný
Pavel Onderka
Jiří Jan Zeman (1886-1934), a landowner from Sedlec (now Ústí nad Labem region), was buried in an Egyptianizing grave at the cemetery in Klapý. The gravestone was inscribed by an ancient Egyptian inscription containing the tomb owner's biographical data which was with certainty composed by František…
The Seahorse (ḥꜣJšš) from the Shaft Tomb of Iufaa: New Evidence of the Elusive Creature
Renata Landgráfová
The present study is concerned with the text and vignette concerning two hippopotamus-headed serpents reclining on rectangular bases, each of them labeled as hayshesh accompanied by a short text stating that he is a god who makes the ba live in the realm of the dead”. The study of the text reveals…
The Náprstek Museum Photography Collection – An Assessment Based on Collection Records
Jan Šejbl
The study deals with the Náprstek Museum ethnographic photo collection. In order to obtain detailed knowledge of the composition of this collection, an analysis was performed using digital data records obtained through an export from the collection database. The data was then edited using MS Excel…
Court Beads: Manchu Rank Symbols in the Náprstek Museum
Helena Heroldová
Court beads worn with formal dress represented one of the symbols of social standing of the Qing dynasty aristocracy and officialdom. The appearance of court beads and material used for their production were prescribed in the 18th century encyclopaedic work The Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial…
Preliminary Report on the Seventeenth Excavation Season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga
Pavel Onderka, Vlastimil Vrtal, Gabriela Jungová
The seventeenth excavation season of the Archaeological expedition to Wad Ben Naga focused on the continued exploration of the so-called Isis Temple (WBN 300), the Palace of Queen Amanishakheto (WBN 200), and the cemetery WBN C260.
Preliminary Report on the Research of “Activity Centers” in Taidong, Taiwan
Petr Janda
This report presents current research on aboriginal activity centers in Taidong County, Taiwan, primarily in the townships of Chishang and Yanping with over 30% of the population being of aboriginal ancestry. Taidong County is the region with the most distinctive aboriginal communities in Taiwan.…