ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Kateřina Spurná, Ph.D.
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Kateřina Spurná, Ph.D.
Ze života Knihovny Národního muzea za protektorátu
Marta Vaculínová
The aim of the paper is to show the situation of the National Museum Library (NML) in the period of 1939–1945 based on archival documents. Central changes made by the Nazis affected people as well as their work in the NML. It was not possible to continue as before – some employees had been arrested…
Knihovna Václava Černého
Miroslava Pourová
The article deals with the personal library of Václav Černý. Attention is first drawn to the portrait of Václav Černý as a reader, and the creation and augmentation of his collection (purchases, donations from friends and authors-colleagues, review copies). The paper presents Černý’s family…
Jabůrek, Groeben, von Petr – hrdinové Prusko-rakouské války na pomezí fikce a metareality
Vojtěch Kessler
The paper focuses on three figures connected with the Austro-Prussian War in 1866. As the conflict is not a part of the Czech national narrative, it does not present strong personal stories understandable to a broader audience or forming a part of historical awareness of the public. Numerous figures…
Knihovna Jiřího Ribaye a možnosti dalšího výzkumu
Jan Pišna
The article deals with the book collection of Jiří Ribay, the structure of his ownership notes (on the title page in the form of ‘Jiřího Ribay’, the year of purchase and the price), extant book catalogues from 1800 and 1803, and the copies preserved in institutional libraries in Europe. It has been…
Zámecká knihovna Višňové
Petr Mašek
The core of the Višňová castle library was formed already in the 17th century, probably in Paderborn. Afew volumes come from the property of the archbishop of Cologne, Ferdinand August von Spiegel (1774–1835), but most of the items were collected by his brother Franz Wilhelm (1752–1815), a minister…
Vzpomínání na Rukopisy. Rukopis královédvorský a zelenohorský v memoárech
Dalibor Dobiáš
In the memoir literature developed in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the Manuscript of Dvůr Králové and the Manuscript of Zelená Hora represented unique figures of memory as works of art and attacked and defended symbols of the historical roots of the…