Podíl Svazu českých novinářů na ustavení vysokoškolského studia žurnalistiky v letech 1945 – 1948

Stránky 43-48
Klíčová slova Union of Czech Journalists, media, education, journalism, High School of the Political and Social Sciences, February 1948
Citace CEBE, Jan. Podíl Svazu českých novinářů na ustavení vysokoškolského studia žurnalistiky v letech 1945 – 1948. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2012, 57(4), 43-48. ISSN 0036-5351. Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/amnphl/57-4/podil-svazu-ceskych-novinaru-na-ustaveni-vysokoskolskeho-studia-zurnalistiky-v-letech-1945-1948
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum | 2012/57/4

The paper discuss activity of the Union of Czech Journalists in the establishment of the first postwar school offering higher education for journalists in Czechoslovakia. It was dream of many journalists already in the First Republic. Revolutionary changes after May 1945 and the need to accommodate the large number of students who did not have the option to terminate the university education, and sometimes even secondary education, create pressure to the post-war Czechoslovakia higher education system. It is establishing a new High School of the Political and Social Sciences should help alleviate this pressure. Union of Czech journalists with the founding of the school was closely linked to its creation. Linkage between the two institutions was reflected in the composition of the teaching staff. Many officials from the leadership of the Union at the school taught, some get a proper chair. Although in the minds of the school founders was to create a space where there was a free discussion of different political and ideological opinions, factual development of this idea soon made an impossible ideal. The school became the subject of criticism from non-communist political parties. The series of lectures became more communist agitation for the program.. Purification of the school from the "reactionary" elements in February 1948 not found any significant resistance to the students, on the contrary. Students actively exclude non-Communist teachers. Their place was then replaced by Communists or their sympathizers. Longtime high school dream of educating young journalists in the environment of free exchange of political views, so finally dissipated.

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