ISSN : 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová
Techniky brainwashingu využívané pracovníky Státní bezpečnosti a jejich následky [Brainwashing Techniques Used by Officers of the State Security and the Consequences of These]
Klára Pinerová
After 1948 the offices of the State Security used various methods of both psychological and physical coercion in order to force anyone accused to sign a confession and learn the defendant’s deposition, later recited in court. The present article aims to point out that the investigators’ intention…
„Františku, ukaž mu, jaká je u tebe vojna, ať si dobytek nemyslí, že je na rekreaci.“ František Pergl, správce vojenské vazební věznice 5. oddělení Hlavního štábu Ministerstva národní obrany v letech 1949–1951 [“Show him that right army drill of yours, Fr
Markéta Bártová
František Pergl is synonymous with the brutal violence and psychological terror which occurred in the army detention centre (so-called “Domeček”) of the 5th Department of the Ministry of National Defense General Headquarters from 1941 to 1951. Dozens of arrested Czechoslovak soldiers, accused of…
S orlem i lvem. Čeští vojenští duchovní v dramatickém dvacátém století [Under the Double Headed Eagle, under the Two-tailed Lion. Czech Army Chaplains in the Dramatic 20th Century]
Martin Flosman
The present paper contains seven separate biographical profiles of seven different army chaplains, who served in the Austrian-Hungarian army during the First World War. A particular attention is turned to their fortunes in the following decades with the intent to demonstrate from the perspective of…
Vězni z uranových oblastí odsouzení k trestu smrti [The Prisoners from Uranium Mines Sentenced to Death]
František Bártík
The present article focuses on one of the persecution mechanisms that the communist regime used against its opponents. It examines the subject of people sentenced to imprisonment who served their time in the labour camps set up in the uranium mining areas (1949–1951). These men under the burden of…
Nacistický a komunistický vězeň Ladislav Král [Nazi and Communist Prisoner Ladislav Král]
Martin Jindra
The present article describes the life story of Ladislav Král, a priest of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church and a political prisoner of both the Nazi and communist regimes. In both cases, he was arrested in Beroun where he served as a parish priest. He was held the first time by the Gestapo in…
Otec a syn v třetím odboji. Případ Františka a Milana Pouskových [František and Milan Pouska: Father and Son in Third Resistance Movement]
Lukáš Kopecký
Both František and Milan Pouska entered the Czechoslovak history of the 20th century, however today they are already completely forgotten. František – a hero of the Czechoslovak legion in Russia, first republic officer, anti-Nazi resistance fighter and a member of the third resistance movement –…
Zapomenutý příběh o několika dějstvích: kovář Tomáš Rumíšek a „javornická“ vražda z března roku 1949 [A Forgotten Story in Several Acts: Blacksmith Tomáš Rumíšek and the Murder Committed in Javornice in March 1949]
Petr Mallota
On the night of 29th March 1949 a local communist official, Jan Benada, was fatally attacked in Javornik, a village located in southern Moravia. An unknown assailant shot him with a rifle directly in his house. Despite all their efforts, the police authorities were unable to trace him. Among the…