Příspěvek ke struktuře příjmů Jiřího z Poděbrad

Pages 105-137
DOI 10.37520/nl.2021.007
Keywords George of Poděbrady, Wenceslaus IV, income, tax, loans, royal cities, royal monasteries, royal castles
Type of Article Peer-reviewed
Citation BOUBLÍK, Jan. Příspěvek ke struktuře příjmů Jiřího z Poděbrad. Numismatické listy. Prague: National Museum, 2021, 76(1-4), 105-137. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/nl.2021.007. ISSN 0029-6074. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/numismaticke-listy/76-1-4/prispevek-ke-strukture-prijmu-jiriho-z-podebrad
Numismatické listy | 2021/76/1-4

The article is concerned with the range of financial sources of George of Poděbrady, which are divided into 14 categories. The first eight ones present typical ruler’s income, the remaining six categories are results of financial politics of a member of the noble class. George’s revenues from the royal cities including the income from monasteries and landlord castles are presented comprehensively in tables nos. 1–5.

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