ISSN : 1803-7828 (Print), 2533-5634 (Online)
Editor in Chief : Tereza Žůrková
Editor in Chief : Tereza Žůrková
Dobroslav Orel and his Work with Musical Manuscripts of the 14th-16th Centuries
Veronika Mráčková
This study represents a partial survey of the estate of the Roman Catholic priest, musicologist, and pedagogue Dobroslav Orel (1870-1942) kept attheCzech Museum of Music. As a pioneer of research in the field of Czech Medieval and Renaissance music, beginning in the 1890s Orel documented previously…
On the History and Content of the Late Medieval Fragmentary Gradual AZ 89
Dagmar Štefancová
In 2013, parchment fragments were removed from the covers of four old printed volumes from the collection of Ondřej Horník that are now in the holdings of the Czech Museum of Music. By assembling the fragments, the museum has obtained seventeen incomplete pages of a Latin gradual probably…
Teutsche Lieder zuvor unterschiedlich, jetzund aber mit des Herrn Authoris bewilligung inn ein Opus zusammen getruckt or A Practical Guide to the Composite Book of Printed Works AZ 38 / AR XII 17
Tereza Daňková, Petr Daněk
For several decades, the composite book AZ 38 / AK XII 17 was located in the holdings of the Czech Museum of Music in Prague. The composite book contained the discant parts from sixteen printed éditions of German provenience, and it is one of the largest books of its kind containing vocal polyphony…
The Works of Jakub Jan Ryba in the Collections of the National Museum
Markéta Kabelková
Jakub Jan Ryba (1765-1815) composed over 1,400 works, but only about a third of them have been preserved down to the present. The article reports about music with Ryba’s compositions held by several departments of the National Museum. This involves ca. 640 pieces of musical material, some of…
The Second Life of Master Jan Hus and Hussitism in the Music of the Czech Lands and Around the World from 1800 to 1848
Viktor Velek
This study offers a comprehensive overview of the “second life” of Master Jan Hus and Hussitism in the music of the Czech Lands and around the world between 1800 and 1848. The introduction covers methodological aspects of research on national musical traditions and possibilities for their…