Děti v českém pravěku (od neolitu po dobu bronzovou) / Childern in Czech Prehistory (from the Neolithic to The Bronze Age)

Pages 20-37
Citation VELOVÁ, Lucie. Děti v českém pravěku (od neolitu po dobu bronzovou) / Childern in Czech Prehistory (from the Neolithic to The Bronze Age). Journal of the National Museum. History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2011, 180(3-4), 20-37. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/jotnmhs/180-3-4/deti-v-ceskem-praveku-od-neolitu-po-dobu-bronzovou-childern-in-czech-prehistory-from-the-neolithic-to-the-bronze-age
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2011/180/3-4

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