

ISSN : 1211-0329 (print), 1804-6495 (online)
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Jiří Sejkora, PhD.
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Genetické aspekty vzniku křišťálů v sileziku, severní Morava

Rock crystals occur at many sites in the Silesicum in various geological environments. An investigation of their genetic aspects has been carried out using fluid inclusion petrography, microthermometry and oxygen isotope investigations. Results from fluid inclusions and stable oxygen isotopes…

Slovenské minerály publikované v rokoch 2000 - 2005

Minerals published during the period 2000 to 2005 from the area of Slovak Republic are described in this paper. The descriptions of 188 mineral species including 4 elements, 59 sulphides and sulphosalts, 2 halides, 34 oxides and hydroxides, 10 carbonates, 11 sulphates, 18 phosphates including…

Datolit z permských metabazaltov na lokalite Lošonec (Malé Karpaty, jz. Slovensko)

Fine-crystalline to massive datolite has been identified as nodule and fracture fillings in Permian rift-related metabasalts near Lošonec village, Malé Karpaty Mountains, SW Slovakia. The electron-microprobe and X-ray diffraction data [a = 4.8365(2) å, b = 7.6120(5) å, c = 9.6353(5) å, β =…

Malayait z Horního Nezdína u Ledče nad Sázavou (Česká republika)

Malayaite, a monoclinic mineral CaSn[OI(SiO4)] of the titanite group, was recently identified in skarns NE of Horní Nezdín village ca 5 km NE of the town of Ledeč nad Sázavou (Czech Republic). This locality was geologically explored in search for tungsten in the 1980s. Malayaite associated with…