ISSN : 0036-5351
Editor in Chief : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.
The Discovery of Masonic Literature from the Repositories of RSHA Amt VII in the Collections of the National Library
Adam Kretschmer
This paper describes the re-discovery of library collections from what were mostly German freemason libraries, displaced into the North Bohemian castles of Mimon, Falkenburg, Novy Bernstejn and Houska, in the repository of the National Library in Neratovice in 2013. It also gives a brief overview of…
Library of the Masonic society and lodge Harmonie
Eva Lachmanová, Luboš Antonín
Library HARMONIE was created by activity one of the same Masonic association founded in Prague in 1870. Its scope, but also its content composition, the library HARMONIE after the floods of 2002, which significantly damaged the library of the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic, our most important…
Masonic library (so called „Zednářská knihovna“) and Masonic prints of the Institutional library of the National museum library („Základní knihovna Knihovny Národního muzea“) often called as „Latomorum“-complex
Eva Lachmanová, Luboš Antonín
The so called MASONIC LIBRARY is another important complex of Masonic prints and handwritings kept by the elemental department of the National Museum Library. Its content isn´t that big, but its composition is quite similar to that library. This library contains several valuable Masonic prints from…
Library of Mr. MUDr. František Tichý
Luboš Antonín
The library of Mr. MUDr. František Tichý (1875-1949) from Lysá nad Labem and the library book collection „Napoleonica“ create one very essential complex. A part of this library are tens of Masonic and particularly anti-Masonic prints. These are remains of the learned and educational library of Henry…
Masonic books published in Prague in the 18th century
Jacob Sadilek
The article analyses the Masonic books published in Prague in the 18th century, including its authors and publishers. Freemasonry had its golden age in Austria in the last quarter of the 18th century. This included Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Lands), at that time part of the Habsburg State. Masonic…
Masonic certificates in Archives collection of the National Museum in Prague
Jacob Sadilek
The Archive of the National Museum in Prague is keeping three interesting foreign Masonic certificates in its collections. They have been issued in London, Paris and Brussels. These certificates or diplomas were documents proving the holders membership of a Masonic lodge and its purpose was mainly…
Historie vlašimského zednářského parku / History of the Masonic park in Vlašim
Veronika Pokorná
The article explains origins of the Vlašim Park established around 1775. At that time, Prince Carl Joseph and Maria Josepha of Auersperg owned the manor and thus later on, not understanding the symbolic nature of the park, historians credited the couple with authorship of the park. During early…
Portrét Josefa Jungmanna od Antonína Machka / Josef Jungmann’s Portrait by Antonín Machek
Lubomír Sršeň
In 2012, the National Museum acquired a portrait of Josef Jungmann (1773–1847), who as a linguist contributed to the rescue of the Czech language. Jungmann is counted among the leading creators of the Czech National Revival as he devoted his lifetime work to the Czech language at the time of the…
Josef Jungmann a Matice česká / Josef Jungmann and Matice česká
Magdaléna Pokorná
The article summarises the work of the remarkable Czech writer, poet and lexicographer Josef Jungmann in the Czech cultural association Matice česká, an institution cotnnected with the National Museum in Prague. It briefly highlights several basic features of Jungmann’s work in Matice česká: as an…
Matice česká – Informační panely v rámci projektu Čeští spisovatelé v regionech České republiky (Jaroslav Havlíček, Jindřich Šimon Baar, Karel Slavoj Amerling)
Lucie Kořínková, Martin C. Putna, Hana Taudyová