ISSN : 0036-5351
Editor in Chief : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.
The Influence of Sphragistics on the Supralibros and Ex Libris of the Monasteries in Moravia
Jindra Pavelková
The symbolism of monasteries had its irreplaceable place in the Early Modern Period. Monasteries used their coats of arms first of all on seals and buildings, but also to mark their books with them. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the supralibros and ex libris with coats of arms are known from most…
Book Donations in the History of the National Museum Library Based on the Records in Journal of the National Museum
Marta Vaculínová
Within the four-year project of book provenance research PROVENIO, records on book donations to the National Museum Library (NML) have been excerpted from Journal of the National Museum from its foundation until 1893. The upper limit is determined by the introduction of NML acquisition books, which…
The Estate of Jan Reimoser in the Theatre History Department of the National Museum
Libuše Hronková
Jan Reimoser (1904–1979), dance critic, theoretician, librettist, translator and educator, is one of the most remarkable figures to have contributed to the development of the art of dance in Czechoslovakia. The Theatre history Department of the National Museum contains his estate including hundreds…