Die Editionen byzantinischer Rechtstexte des Dionysius Gothofredus (1549–1622). Eine Untersuchung ihrer Paratexte

Pages 111-116
Keywords Dionysius Gothofredus – Byzantine law – editions – paratexts
Citation HANSTEIN, Michael. Die Editionen byzantinischer Rechtstexte des Dionysius Gothofredus (1549–1622). Eine Untersuchung ihrer Paratexte. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum. Prague: National Museum, 2012, 57(3), 111-116. ISSN 0036-5351. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/amnphl/57-3/die-editionen-byzantinischer-rechtstexte-des-dionysius-gothofredus-15491622-eine-untersuchung-ihrer-paratexte
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum | 2012/57/3

His editions of Byzantine texts represent only a small selection of the works of Dionysus Gothofredus. The professor of law used the success of his most famous oeuvre, the Corpus Juris Civilis, to publish corresponding sources of the Byzantine tradition whose paratexts served to achieve various aims for Gothofredus. The preface of the Basilica represents a thematic introduction, whereby that of the Hexabiblos justifies the edited text as laws, that have proved their practical worth and which, despite being Byzantine sources, belong to the Roman legal tradition. The dedication of Theophilus’ Institutiones alludes to Gothofredus’ situation in Geneva. The Swiss town was under attack when he realized his edition. Moreover, this dedication proves that Gothofredus had already tried to establish contact with another centre of the reformed confession during his residence in Switzerland, namely the court of Heidelberg.

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